Mars Architects & Intoarch

The jury was in Sofia between March 7 and March 10 and had a great challenge to judge all projects. The first day was a review of all submitted projects where the jury voted whether the project should continue into the next stage or not. Each member had the chance to nominate additional projects even if they did not collect enough votes and in that way bring them back to the table of discussions.

On the following day there was a rigorous debate over the shortlist and in the end the following 5 awards were given by the jury:

  • 1A Studio, Bulgaria (Aleksander Shinolov)
  • Fissure Team, Spain (Ignacio Gias, Javier Lorenzo-Garvin, Ana Vida)
  • I/O Architects, Bulgaria (Georgi Kutov, Vyara Zhelyazkova, Stefan Apostolov, Bozhidara Vulkova, Mariya Gyaurova, Boris Tikvarski, Andrei Pachilova, Martina Radeva)
  • Mars Architects & Intoarch, The Netherlands / Bulgaria (Neville Mars, Etienne Mares, Yuval Zohar, Anitra Baliga, Rumiana Tiholova, Elina Malinova)
  • Radionica Arhitekture, Croatia (Goran Raco, Josip Sabolic, Fani Frkovic, Iva Pejic)

Among the 5 winners, Walltopia has chosen to build the project of MarsArchitects + Intoarch

We are very happy with the results and looking forward to building the first Collider Activity Center. We will keep you updated with the design and construction process. This system refines itself to form the structure of the building, where deeper folds embrace the climbing halls that in turn act as atriums for the indoor program. A green headquaters, feasible within the budget. In Wall World sports, leisure and nature become one.

WEDGED between residential neighborhoods and expanding commercial areas.

WALL WORLD fulfils the role of connector and buffer zone, mediating in size and bridging activities. The diversity of the building is the basis for this proposal. Three landscapes fold around each other to create distinct but fluidly connected spaces: the CANYON offers an immersive climbing experience, the VALLEY a playful events park and WORLD HQ a creative and open office landscape. Description from architects.



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