
Ever since the seventeenth century the punitive format has progressed going from punishing harder to punishing better, punishing more universally, introducing the power of punishment deeply into society.

The emplacement suggested implies the “non-location” of power, generating conflict with its own existence or even with the concept of its own existence.

It implies spatial concretisation of power, where the building is conceived as a visibility device, being invisible at the same time. The “non-location” involves individual confrontation with vastness, overlooking the needings of a specific closer reference.

The prisoner must be fully engaged in a piece of egalitarian society; a subsociety allowing the establishment of links and relations between its parts; relation to human scale.

Individuals absorb the mechanism of the system, reproducing a permanent sense of membership. Decontextualized sets of relations influence current social context , preparing it for future distant actualizations.

Location: Pacific Ocean

Architect: Taller de CasqueríaProject Team: Ramón Martínez, Jorge SobejanoYear:2013

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