MVRDV wins Rotterdam’s Marketing Award 2014 for Markthal

Markthal Rotterdam

The jury report mentions that “with the realisation of Markthal Rotterdam in the city centre something unique was created. In a short period this building has become an absolute must-see. Markthal received in the first weeks already one million visitors. (see project)
Hundreds of positive publications about Markthal have been published in the national and international press. The project of which the two winners are figurehead has played an essential role in  strengthening the reputation of the city and the brand of Rotterdam.” The jury was impressed by the determination and passion of both winners.
“They have both within their expertise with a large team of creative professionals realised an important urban transformation. This demands a long term vision, a combination of creativity and business insight and a passion for Rotterdam.” Markthal Rotterdam was opened on the 1st of October 2014 by Queen Maxima. Markthal is the first covered food-market of the Netherlands and a new urban typology combining living with shopping.
The walls and roof of Markthal are an arch of 228 apartments. Inside the arch is the art work ‘Cornucopia’ by Arno Coenen and Iris Roskam, and at 11.000m2, it is the largest art piece in the whole of the Netherlands.   Markthal recently received its two millionth visitors, and was the subject of more than 500 articles in the international press, many of which were filled with positive impressions of the space.

Winy Maas and Hans Schröder of MVRDV

The image of Markthal featured in many lists recommending a global audience to visit Rotterdam, all of whom noted the enormous changes currently underway, which the Markthal marks in Rotterdam, the second city of the Netherlands. Source by MVRDV.

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