Vincent van Gogh Foundation Rehabilitation and extension by Fluor Architecture

Vincent van Gogh Foundation
Photo © Fluor Architecture

The complete renovation of a former private mansion in Arles exactly responded to the Foundation’s desire to bring a contemporary perspective on the work of Vincent van Gogh to life.

Photo © Fluor Architecture

A completely original artistic project – to summon the genius of Van Gogh through the works of twentieth and twenty-first century artists. A historic place – in the heart of an area painted by the master and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site: the 2,400 m2 of the Léautaud de Donines mansion, built in the fifteenth century and held since 1924 by the Bank of France.

Photo © Hervé Hôte

And finally, the technical specifications demanded by the most prestigious museums. Faced with these requirements, this renovation and extension was organized around another major character: the particular light of Arles, so dear to Van Gogh.

Photo © Fluor Architecture

The architectural project tapped into the core of the Foundation’s artistic mission: to create exchanges. Starting with the conversations between Van Gogh – (absent from the collection but the light and the site of Arles make him the vector) – and the artists: those of the collection, those invited to expose, and those artists who created works in harmony with the building: Bertrand Lavier with his sliding entrance wall, Raphael Hefti, with his coloured glass sculpture on the roof of the bookshop, and Fritz Hauser, who created the stairwell.

Photo © Fluor Architecture

Natural daylight, the famous light of Arles, guides the reorganization of exhibition volumes and space (1000 m2), designed with exceptional modularity to best serve the works of art, and in rigorous relationship with conservation requirements.

Photo © Fluor Architecture

Throughout the visitor’s experience, there are colourful projections on the immaculate walls of the reception area and gift shop, an extension of the glass above the entrance in the courtyard.

Photo © Hervé Hôte

Skylight openings in the large exhibit hall transmit a structure created on the rooftop terrace: 20 sheds arranged in five rows of three, each oriented according to the path of the sun. The other rooms and offices are lit by a pre-existing tubular daylight and the whiteness of the limestone that has rediscovered its centrality.

Photo © Hervé Hôte

Finally, there is the direct daylight from the open sky on the cascading terraces arranged to sketch out a variety of landscapes: from the intimacy of the first floor to the roof, where the panoramic view is revealed, this view that marks the building in its relationship to the city and its surroundings, and in doing so, as Guillaume Mansart states, its relationship to the history of art.

Photo © Fluor Architecture

Sustainability Meets Conservation
Sustainable Design / The ambitions of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation called for excellence in energy performance. In fact, the proper conservation of works of art requires sophisticated heating, air conditioning, and air filtering systems and controlled humidity and lighting that traditionally consume a lot of energy. Source by V2com.

Photo © Fluor Architecture

Location: Arles, France
Architects: Fluor Architecture
Economist: R2M
BET Fluid: G2i Ingénieurie
BET Structure: Beccamel
Lighting designer: Wonderfulight
BET Natural Light: Ingelux Consultants
Mission: Base + EXE + OPC + MOB
Area: 2 500 m2 SHON
Budget: 9 M€ HT
Year: 2014
Client: Fondation Vincent van Gogh d’Arles
Assistant client: MYAMO
Photographs: Hervé Hôte, Fluor Architecture

Photo © Fluor Architecture
Photo © Fluor Architecture
Photo © Fluor Architecture
Photo © Fluor Architecture
Photo © Fluor Architecture
Photo © Hervé Hôte
Photo © Hervé Hôte
Photo © Hervé Hôte
Photo © Hervé Hôte

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