Education Centre Utrecht University by Ector Hoogstad Architecten

Education Centre Utrecht University

In the next few years Utrecht University will dispose of three buildings: the Went building, the Earth Sciences building and the Van Unnik building. The first to be demolished will be the Earth Sciences building.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

The Buys Ballot building was recently renovated, but the Minnaert building needs a major overhaul as it will become part of the new Education Centre.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

This new centre will be located between the Minnaert and Buys Ballot buildings and will be linked to these two buildings by overpasses.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

The new educational facility, containing labs, study landscapes, classrooms and office/lounge spaces, will become the work environment of the University of Utrecht Geo- and Beta Science Faculties staff, scientists and students.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

The new building consists of two elements: a tower with the labs on the top and self-study landscapes and common spaces underneath.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

This area connects to the other new section of the building; the ‘loop’ (promenade), connecting the new tower with the Buys Ballot building and the Minnaert building and containing uses as auditoriums, study areas and restaurants.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

Utrecht University has decided for a highly sustainable design. The University aims for the BREEAM qualification of excellent for its new building.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

This is reflected in the planned transparent façade, heat-and-cold storage facility, recyclable materials and the solar panels on the roofs. Source by Ector Hoogstad Architecten.

Image © Ector Hoogstad Architecten

Location: Utrecht, Holland
Architect: Ector Hoogstad Architecten
Area: 14,600 m2
Year: 2015
Client: University of Utrecht
Images: Ector Hoogstad Architecten

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