Rosatom Pavilion by arch group

Rosatom Pavilion
Photo © Rosatom

The International architectural contest for the development of an architectural concept of the Atomic Energy Pavilion at VDNH, Russia. The main idea of the pavilion is to reflect in its architecture the most advanced concepts of the physics of how atom is look like. Thus, we want to emphasize the intensity of the industry in general, and how far physics as a science. As we can see, the ordinary sphere can no longer help us. The best way to demonstrate the structure of the atom is to use the spatial screen where you can clearly depict countless three-dimensional structures. In addition, nuclear power – is not only the atom itself, but rather the process of splitting.

Image © arch group

So the symbol of nuclear energy is fluttering protons and neutrons.  This process can also be shown only on the dynamic display of three-dimensional system, not on the static field. We propose to create a three-dimensional cube made of LEDs, similar to the street media facades technology, but completely filled with light-emitting diodes with a certain step. This cube will be the main architectural element of the pavilion symbolizes the whole microcosm with its wave-particle duality of quantum and nature. Cube size is 30x30x30 m.

Image © arch group

Its size echoes the surrounding pavilions and in our opinion much better harmonizes with the monumental volumes of Stalinist architecture and concise and rectangular volume of pavilions which belong to a lower date than with the dome. In addition, the dome of the same height as the cube just “falls in” in the general silhouette of the building. Also the dome is visually overwhelming with stylobate mass with height of 12 m. especially from near points of vision. We deliberately put the media cube forward and hide the pavilion behind him to create space around the cube and to focus attention on it.

Image © arch group

Entrance lobby. Media cube
To enter the pavilion you need to pass through media cube. This should produce a lasting impression on visitors, as the three-dimensional structure creates stunning effects due to interference LED grid layers and by the dynamic three-dimensional video sequence displayed by LEDs. The visitor literally immersed in microcosm at the atomic level, becoming part of it. The surface under the media cube made of glass, covering double-height exhibition hall except a pass-bridge to the entrance of the pavilion. Thus, the media cube can be seen from virtually all key areas of the pavilion. Media cube can be used for a visual explanation of a variety of processes occurring on the atomic and subatomic levels.

Image © arch group

The lobby and neuromatrix
Then the visitor enters directly the pavilion. Pavilion wall is fully glass and located behind the cube. From the cube we can see a large two-storey space that unites lobby and neuromatrix structure through this wall. The entire central part of the building is empty glazing space, which at different levels hangs multiple neuromatrix platforms interconnected with passages and stairways, forming complex spatial structure. This structure is the main element of the interior of the pavilion and its main media space. It passes through all the floors – elevated and lower ground, interacting with all rooms and functional areas as a central distribution hub.

Image © arch group

Expository spaces
It is reasonable to place temporary exhibition halls on the ground floor, as the most dynamic, ever-changing part of the pavilion. In addition, temporary exhibition’s area is much smaller than that of the main exhibition. Halls with the main exposition we place in the underground levels. And the double-height rooms with large exhibits located in the central part of the pavilion that housed the neuromatrix space above them and glass floor under the media cube. Thus, the media cube can be seen from the permanent exhibition halls. There are an educational area and restaurant space on the second floor, interconnected by neuromatrix. Administrative offices allocated in relatively isolated area with a floor height of 3 m, which can accommodate four levels in the aboveground part of the building.

Image © arch group

The external facade
There are two types of the pavilion facades: glass (spider glazing system) and a double facade made of perforated metal panels and stained glass. Perforated facade also reflects the structure of the microcosm (atomic lattice or wave structure). This facade is in a quiet way, to make it secondary to the main dominant – media cube. Source by arch group.

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