The Number 6 by Building

The Number in Turin
Photo © Piero Ottaviano

The Number 6, the renovation of Palazzo Valperga Galleani, is one of the best representations of architectural salvage, respect for cultural heritage, technology, elegance and sense of beauty.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

The restoration and development, carried out by Building Engineering, intended to dramatically re-functionalize an important historical and architectonic property, that in spite of its disfiguration during the last century that led to the loss of its original residential aim.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

The main idea behind the reconstruction was to bring back the property purpose with a particular intention to “open” the private space of courtyard to the city, decorating it with art objects, proper lighting, plants, and flowers.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

All reconstructions undertaken to build the 36 apartments which were designed in accordance of the pre-existing layout, are done with the intention to reconcile it with the cutting-edge solutions for minimizing ecological impact.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

From the start, the intention was to establish a work that would reconcile architectural solutions to an artistic and stenographic setting designed to give an added value to the space, making it enjoyable for visitors.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

Therefore, with the help of with Cultural Heritage Protection Bodies, we reconstructed an environment once lost but, not forgetting its strong evocative value.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

During the restoration of the courtyard of the Alfieri street we chose to revitalize the original XVII century giardino (garden) transposing its design, with lights and plants, in two planes, horizontal and vertical. The historical giardino is now hanging down in a romantic gesture produced in the plain air of the courtyard.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

The suspended contemporary sign, the tree, is a representation of the history of the palazzo, an emotive symbol that renews the astonishment in the everyday perception of the residents of the palazzo, and revitalizes the memory of the ones that once lived there.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

A long horizontal line of balcony rails nicely decorated with numerous flower vases holding climbing plants is exposed along the walls of the building. Every vase is provided with an automatic watering device and by two lanterns mounted on semi-rigid brackets intended to illuminate the vases.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

Consistent computer-controlled illuminations of all elements unite the courtyard paving design, the tree and multiple vases into one unique expressive picture. Source by  Building.

Photo © Piero Ottaviano

Location: Turin, Italy
Architects: Building
Design Team: Building Engineering
Collaborators: Luca Petrone, Salvatore Grillo, Marco Gribaudo, Daniele Uria, Paolo Palomba, Omar Brotto, Fabio Mellina Gottardo, Cristina Scarpetta, Laura Sarasino, Andrea Serapioni, Cristina Stranieri, Roberto Daloiso, Danilo Brotto, Mario Uria
Construction Company: Building S.p.A
Art Director: Richi Ferrero
Area: 9500.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Piero Ottaviano, Courtesy of Building

Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano
Photo © Piero Ottaviano

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