Henning Larsen Architects selected to design the new NORR

new NORR
Image © Henning Larsen Architects

The new NORR – National Museum will act both as an addition to the existing Jamtli Museum in Östersund, and form a new branch of the Swedish National Museum.

Image © Henning Larsen Architects

The new building will have a large exhibition hall, workshops, offices and café, contributing new amenities and attractions to an already established art centre. The vision is to create a unique and flexible exhibition hall, which adds a new architectonic layer to the Jamtli museum.

Image © Henning Larsen Architects

“The new exhibition hall is designed as wooden sculpture with an easily recognisable silhouette against the sky. The roof is quite remarkable because the deep skylights filter the soft northern daylight directly into the exhibition space. This gives a very sensitive light as well as a view to the sky,” says Søren Øllgaard, partner at Henning Larsen Architects and design responsible for the project.


The new building draws inspiration from the context through scale and materials, giving it a respectful approach to its surroundings. A strong connection to the existing Jamtli Museum is created by a logical and functional flow.


In turn this creates a common identity, forming a strong and vibrant art centre on both a regional and national level. The project is due to be completed in 2018. Source by Henning Larsen Architects.


Location: Östersund, Sweden
Architect: Henning Larsen Architects
Project Team: Søren Øllgaard (Responsible Partner), Agnes Åkervik, Kristina Nygård, Chenqi Jia, Arminas Sadzevicius, Christian Schjøll
Client: Swedish National Museum + Jamtli
Year: 2015 – 2018
Type of assignment: First prize in international competition
Henning Larsen Architects

Master Plan
Groun Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Roof Plan

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