The Youth Wing for Art Education Entrance Courtyard by Ifat Finkelman + Deborah Warschawski

The Youth Wing
Photo © Amit Geron

The entrance courtyard of the Youth Wing for Art Education at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem is a main gathering place for visitors- adults, children and groups- within its modern concrete- and-stone architectural surroundings.

Photo © Amit Geron

The project – a renewal of the courtyard – combines a program open to interpretation by its users with a clearly defined context.

Photo © Amit Geron

The existing pine tree is the focus of the project, the physical anchor of the design concept.

Photo © Amit Geron

As a tribute to the childhood collective memory of a tree house, a small roofed structure where children can hide and over look at, is positioned high up the tilted trunk, raised above the meticulous surroundings of the museum.

Photo © Amit Geron

Along with its strong iconic appearance, it also functions as the peak of one continuous structural folded element allows various situations occur along.

Photo © Amit Geron

The structural technique- 2 cm Ipea boards fixed to a light steel skeleton – creates a range of transparencies from top to bottom.

Photo © Amit Geron

While gradually transforms towards the ground, the element’s surface becomes a playground; sitting elements framing a topography covered with a soft EPDM rubber surface.

Photo © Amit Geron

All this carefully hides the underground infrastructure configuration as well as a widespread root system.

Photo © Amit Geron

At night the house is the only element illuminated, and emerges floating above the courtyard’s entrance.  Source by Ifat Finkelman and Deborah Warschawski.

Photo © Amit Geron

Location: Israel Museum, Israel
Architects: Ifat Finkelman, Deborah Warschawski
Structural Engineer: Ilan Ben David Engineers ltd.
Safety: RSGD ltd.
Accessibility: Inclusion ltd.
Lighting: Hila Meier, RTLD Lighting Design
Contractor: Greensky ltd.
Epdm Surface: Politan Sport ltd.
Steel Work: Bazelet ltd.
Safety Net: Pealton ltd.
Area: 150.0 sqm
Photographs: Amit Geron

Photo © Amit Geron
Photo © Amit Geron
Photo © Amit Geron
Photo © Amit Geron
Photo © Amit Geron
Photo © Amit Geron
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan

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