Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter wins design for Community Center in Sydhavnen

Community Center in Sydhavnen
Image © Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter

Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter wins the competition to renew the aged ‘Kvarterhus’ in Kgs. Enghave, and will create a new community center in Sydhavnen, Copenhagen. The renovation of ‘Kvarterhuset’ will involve a new entrance consisting of a striking facade with a courtyard podium leading to a broad staircase inviting passersby to stop and rest. A system of balconies coated in ceramic rods in a red brick color constructs the facade.

Image © Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter

By giving access to each level of ‘Kvarterhuset’ and with the feature of a space for pauses, the facade makes the house become more alive. The existing zones for fitness and body care will be opened up with a new wall-to-wall window that will give access to daylight and views to the adjoining ballroom. On the top floor, the multi hall will be separated in two sections. A larger zone with space for sports and other activities and a smaller zone where play and movement is in focus. ‘Kvarterhuset’s locker rooms and baths will also be reconditioned.

Image © Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter

Not only does Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter win the competition, you can also say, that “it stays in the family”. Dorte’s great-grandfather designed the master plan for the district, including the community house that will be renewed. The new design will create more opportunities for engagement with the building through a revitalized and active expression. “The winning proposal provides a good solution to a very dif ficult task. It creates a more accessible and logical layout of the building, while respecting the many conservation qualities that challenge the design process.” Says Lars Autrup, who represents the comitee from Realdania.

Image © Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter

The new architectural solution expresses the numerous amenities of the communal house and encourages community revitalization within a diverse neighborhood. The renovation of ‘Kvarterhuset’ will involve a new entrance consisting of a striking facade with a courtyard podium leading to a broad staircase inviting passersby to stop and rest. A system of balconies coated in ceramic rods in a red brick color constructs the facade. By giving access to each level of ‘Kvarterhuset’ and with the feature of a space for pauses, the facade makes the house become more alive.

Image © Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter

The existing zones for fitness and body care will be opened up with a new wall-to-wall window that will give access to daylight and views to the adjoining ballroom. On the top floor, the multi hall will be separated in two sections. A larger zone with space for sports and other activities and a smaller zone where play and movement is in focus. ‘Kvarterhuset’s locker rooms and baths will also be reconditioned. Source by Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter.

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