Bath Quays Bridge design competition

Bath Quays Bridge
1 Bridge entry

Bath & North East Somerset Council is seeking to appoint an outstanding team to deliver the design for what will be the first new crossing of the River Avon in the magnificent World Heritage City of Bath for over 100 years.

1 Bridge entry

Bath Quays Bridge will allow the fully connected development of a previously overlooked quayside district, Bath Quays, linking it to the City centre and opening up new riverside leisure and cultural opportunities alongside new commercial activities.

2 Bridge entry

The regeneration of Bath Quays will form the basis for a brand new business location for the growing ICT, low carbon and creative sectors within the city, building on the City’s reputation for enterprise and innovation.

2 Bridge entry

Bath Quays is a regionally significant site with the potential to deliver the capacity required for future economic growth and the development represents a fantastic opportunity for the City to reinvent one of its more neglected corners and connect it to the vibrant and beautiful historic City.

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Commissioning a new bridge for Bath
The Council’s commitment to Bath Quays has started by delivering a stunning new riverside landscape and the next exciting element will be to commission this new bridge.

3 Bridge entry

Given its importance, and the significance of its location in a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Council has chosen an international design competition as the means to select a design for the bridge, and the competition designs, shown below, have now been received from the six shortlisted design teams.

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Bridge designs 1-6
The designs can be viewed at the One Stop Shop on Manvers Street, Bath, where they’ll be exhibited from 14th to 25th September.

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The six participating design teams are led by AL_A, Flint & Neill, Grimshaw, Heneghan Peng, Marc Mimram and Price & Myers. If you’d like to let the Council know which design or designs you prefer, let us know by e-mailing

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The winning design will be announced by the Council in November following evaluation of the designs and selection of the winner by the Council’s jury.

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Childrens’ Design a Bridge Competition
Entries to the Childrens’  Bridge Design competition will also be exhibited at the One Stop Shop from September 14 – 25.

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The competition invites local children to submit their own bridge design in the form of a ‘top trump’ style information card. Entries will be judged by members of the Bath Quays Bridge design competition jury panel and the winning entries will be made up into a set of Bath Bridge Top Trump game cards.

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The winning entries will be announced in November. Use of the Top Trumps trade mark with the kind permission of Winning Moves UK Ltd. The competition is being run in collaboration with the Architecture Centre and the Bridge150 celebrations. Source and images:  Development & Major Projects Bath & North East Somerset Council.

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2 Bridge entry
3 Bridge entry
4 Bridge entry
5 Bridge entry
6 Bridge entry

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