Vitry-Centre new metro station of the Grand Paris Express by atelier d’architecture-King Kong

new metro station of the Grand Paris Express
Image © atelier d’architecture king kong

Public debate concerning the question of the Grand Paris public transport network shed light on the full importance of the role metro stations are to play in the future Grand Paris, not only for urban transport companies, but also investors, regional decision-makers and passengers.

Image © atelier d’architecture king kong

The stations must be designed in such a way as to both accompany and sustain the ambitions of the Grand Paris public transport network and a new generation of metro stations is to be developed, to meet the differing needs of the diverse areas and localities of the Île-de-France Region.

Image © atelier d’architecture king kong

The Vitry-Centre station lies on the south-east portion (Noisy-Champs/Villejuif Louis-Aragon) of the red line of the Grand Paris Express. It is a town-centre station and provides access to the Town Hall, sports and cultural facilities, and links to existing above-ground transport networks (buses) and services to come (tramway) and connects with the RD5, one of the main north-south highways of the south-eastern Paris region.

Image © atelier d’architecture king kong

The station has been designed in absolute harmony with the Parc du Coteau, from which it emerges in almost organic manner. The exterior forecourt has been extended to form a covered concourse, providing passengers with a gentle slope down into the station.

Image © atelier d’architecture king kong

This transitional space, linking inside and out, also provides access to the avenue, clearly voicing the station’s presence within the urban fabric. The green vault above the concourse, in intimate connection with the park, is entirely planted and ample perforations offer enticing views of the station from the park and of the park from the station below.

Image © atelier d’architecture king kong

This immemorial architectural design offers a consummately contemporary take on the spaces we journey through as we travel about. One might easily imagine that those occasionally passing through should want to return here, on a voyage of discovery into the dreamlike world unfolding beneath their feet. Source by atelier d’architecture King Kong.

Image © atelier d’architecture king kong

Location: Vitry sur Seine, France
Architects: atelier d’architecture king kong
Project coordinator: Frédéric Neau
Project manager: Yann Sepulveda
Landscaping: A+R Salles
Engineering and public transport infrastructure: Systra
Client: Société du Grand Paris
Area: 19 000 m2
Status: ongoing studies
Year: south-est portion line estimated completion 2022
Images: Courtesy of atelier d’architecture king kong

Image © atelier d’architecture king kong
Image © atelier d’architecture king kong
Image © atelier d’architecture king kong
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