Astana Train Station by Tabanlioglu Architects

Astana Train Station

Located on the axial ceremonial route from the Presidential Palace, the new train station promotes a positive change starting from the close vicinity as the synergetic effects of transportation investments are highly upgrading for the regions that become a part of the network.

Image © Tabanlioglu Architects

The public realm, because of its anticipated intensive usage, is highly legible, robust and sustainable. Articulating the urban space, the structure of the roof is considered as a major element in building the space. The monolithic roof system is an integral part of the structure of the station.

Image © Tabanlioglu Architects

The main bearing construction of the lightweight roof is steel; the design refined to optimize strength and stiffness, and provides an economical yet durable configuration with good resistance against weather conditions. Three continuous plates are running from one end to other as wavy lines, with intervals between them.

Image © Tabanlioglu Architects

The curved form peaked over the main area that provides eligible conditions for the travelers. Cantilevered roof structure create a spectacular effect while granting a long protective, but still open air waiting zone, extending to both ends.

Image © Tabanlioglu Architects

The multi-layered center provides easy access during transfers especially when exchanging from one system to other. The underground passage enables smooth access to the metro station. Above the link, there is an urban park. Source by TABANLIOGLU ARCHITECTS.

Image © Tabanlioglu Architects

Location: Astana, Kazakhstan
Architects: Tabanlioglu Architects
Client: Joint Stock Company “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” / Sembol
Status: Under Construction
Usable Area: 110,000 m2
Images: Courtesy of Tabanlioglu Architects

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