CEM Verbania by Salvador Perez Arroyo + S.B.Arch.

CEM Verbania
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

The multifunctional cultural complex (CEM), with a contemporary and sculptural identity, is located on the Maggiore Lake coast.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

The architectural complex hosts a wide entrance foyer for cultural events and art exhibitions, a theatre for 500 people and a 200 one, service and ancillary spaces, offices, a rehearsal theatre, a restaurant and a cafe.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

The building is located right at the San Bernardino river estuary, near the historical Villa Maioni and behind the local Civic Library.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

The external landscape is sculptured with a system of descending bleachers allowing a breathtaking panoramic view of the lake and the surrounding Italian Alps.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

Four big volumes with gentle and curved shapes inspired by the lake stones and linked by a prismatic volume facing the landscape forme the new public Centre on the Maggiore Lake of Verbania.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

The lake stone is the very symbol of the project and the striking surrounding context the utmost trigger of the Centre. Its architecture grows from the unique relation between mountains, city and lake.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

The building is open towards the surrounding. The big external square defines a new urban and public place of great social value, an open space designed as meeting place, leisure, events.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

The location is perfect, focal between the urban centres of Intra and Pallanza. The Centre acts as the pivotal start-up of a wider city requalification, both social and landscape wise.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

Zinc metal sheets with a characteristic shading and vibrant colour clad the four curved volumes, with the colour recalling and harmonizing with the Verbania lake and skies.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati

A local stone is used for the external pavings. Inside timber, worm welcoming and natural is the main element. Source by S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati.

Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
  • Location: Verbania, Italy
  • Architects: STONES Salvador Perez Arroyo (Team Leader), S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati (Coordinator)
  • Project Team: Peter Cook, Garcia BBM, M. Mariani, E. Auletta, Bianchini e Lusiardi Associati, A. Sandelewski, F. Brenci, A. Di Muzio
  • Construction Design: Arch. Fabrizio Bianchetti (progetto architettonico, progettazione ambientale e coordinamento) – Arch. Giancarlo Marzorati, (capogruppo) (progetto architettonico, scenotecnico ed arredi) – Ing. Stefano Rossi (progetto strutture) – Ing. Guido Davoglio direttore Tecnico di Tekser srl (progetto impianti) – Geol. Fulvio Epifani (indagini geologiche e geotecniche)
  • General Contractors: Notarimpresa s.p.a., Tecno Costruzioni S.r.l., CDL s.r.l.
  • Client: Comune di Verbania
  • Area: 5.000 mq + 5ha
  • Volume: 25.000 mc
  • Construction Cost: 13.600.000,00 euro
  • Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Photo Courtesy of S.B.ARCH. Bargone Associati
Site Plan
Flexible volumetric scheme
Exploded axonometric

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