Choui Fong Tea Cafe by Idin Architects

Choui Fong Tea Cafe
Photo © Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong Tea Café is located in the area of Choui Fong tea plantation where is covering with a number of huge hills.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

Instead of locating the tea café on the hilltop, the architect decided to lay the buildings hidden in the hill but outreach to take the view of plantation.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

The idea is to keep the hill top view where the building rooftop would then be a 360-degree viewpoint of the plantation.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

Here at the rooftop, in addition to the natural atmosphere of the plantation, the visitors can do observe the farmers’ activity, tea leaves ‘hand pick’ harvesting during the day.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

The main building is composed of three buildings; they are floated and outreached from different viewpoints.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

The functional areas included dining zone, café, teashop, and toilets. Scale and proportion of them are various and depended on those usage of each building.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

The structure is challenged point, we can see they are floating when we look at them from the foot hill and only one pile appears to bear the entire building.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

The retaining wall at the back is set into a distance of the building to create an extra space for the green courtyard to provide shade and shadow in this area.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

There is another separated building of toilets for visitors at the parking lot; this is to alleviate the visitor circulation during the high season.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio

Same as with the main building, this toilet building is also hidden under the hill and also composed with stone and green courtyard for shady. Source by Idin Architects.

Photo © Spaceshift Studio
  • Location: District Maechan, Thailand
  • Architect: Idin Architects
  • Principal: Jeravej Hongsakul, Rubporn Sukatup, Eakaluk Sirijariyawat, Supachai Phiromrach
  • Managing Director: Jeravej Hongsakul
  • Interior Architect: Idin Architects
  • Structural engineer: Pakanut Siriprasopsothorn
  • Owner: Shanya Wanasphitaksakul
  • Area: 1,240 sq.m
  • Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Spaceshift Studio, Courtesy of Idin Architects
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
Photo © Spaceshift Studio
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