Ubesol Office Building Under Construction by Ramon Esteve

Ubesol Office Building
Image © Ramon Esteve

Ubesol is a firm with over 30 years of experience developing home and personal care products.

A firm that seeks its products’ success through a bet for innovation and the latest technology.

Image © Ramon Esteve

The firm’s philosophy and work process is intrinsically linked to the ideation of its work space. The new office building has been designed following the premises of a new “work culture”.

Image © Ramon Esteve

The Conceptual Office
The proposal includes the extension and refurbishment of the existing office building, according to the idea of an open office. A rectangular prism has been attached to the former two-storey building.

Image © Ramon Esteve

This prism is raised to the first floor to allow the access of the vehicles involved in the industrial process. The ground floor has been designed for entry and customer service, and hosts the main meeting rooms. The upper floor is the working area and hosts the different departments and offices.

Image © Ramon Esteve

An Open Space
The extension of the office building has been designed as a continuous space that fosters the interaction between departments. The different areas have been divided by means of glass panels that allow the spreading of the light that comes from the courtyards.

Image © Ramon Esteve

The offices and the closed areas have been arranged around the perimeter of the building in order to enjoy the views. Wrapped by a minimal geometrical pattern, they achieve a higher degree of privacy without compromising the feeling of spaciousness. Source by Ramon Esteve.

Image © Ramon Esteve
  • Location: Valencia, Spain
  • Architect: Ramon Esteve
  • Architect collaborators: Anna Boscà, Victor Ruiz, Estefanía Pérez, María Martí, Benedetta Chicchini, Borja Martos
  • Collaborators: Nacho Poveda,Tudi Soriano,Isabel Meyer,
    Isabel Rincón de Arellano
  • Technical Architect: Emilio Pérez,Carolina Tarazona, Rafael Ferriol
  • Constructor: Covisal Futur
  • Project Manager: Gonzalo Llin
  • Promoter: Ubesol
  • Year: 2016
  • Images: Courtesy of Ramon Esteve

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