Bygdøynesveien 15 by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter

Bygdøynesveien 15
Image © EVE

Bygdøynesveien 15 is being developed into a new comprehensive residential area, combining historic buildings with new housing in a captivating and innovative way.

Image © MIR

The project will create well-adjusted high-end contemporary architecture aiming at collectively reinforcing and developing the uniqueness and identity of the plot.

Image © EVE

The new residential area will offer forward-looking apartments. The juxtaposition of new housing and the venerable existing buildings from the early 1900s, including the park and gardens will also highlight the many qualities without compromising the site’s exclusive character.

Image © EVE

BNV 15 will be an important eco-friendly residential environment with high architectural qualities. The project is developed for our client Bygdøy Boligutvikling. Source by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter.

Image © EVE
  • Location: Bygdøy, Oslo, Norway
  • Architects: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter
  • Client: Bygdøy Boligutvikling
  • Area: 6 820 m2
  • Commission Type: Parallel Assignment, 1st Prize, 2015
  • Photographs: MIR, EVE Images, Courtesy of Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter
Image © EVE
Image © EVE
Image © EVE
Image © EVE
Image © EVE
Image © EVE

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