Public Library of Constitución by Sebastian Irarrázaval

Public Library of Constitución
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

The Public Library is part of a public-private initiative taken to rebuild Constitución after the 8.8 degrees earthquake and Tsunami that devastated the town during the year 2010.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

With regard to the formalization of the project; it is the result of three main decisions.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

Firstly: In order to overlook the millenary trees of the civic square that is in front of the site; to rise the library 1,6 meters over street level.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

Secondly: With the purpose to filter and balance the light; to cover the 3 main areas of the programme (children, young and adult readers) with 3 reticulated wood naves.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

Thirdly: In consideration to communicate the public character of the edifice; to organize the façade with 3 monumental glass cases that not only invites to see new books arrivals but also -with its benches and canopies – offer shelter to the passerby.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

Regarding the construction of the building; it is made almost entirely in wood and only the firewalls are done with exposed poured concrete. The structure is prefabricated and is made out laminated pine.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

In order to rhythm the interior space and make the loads and the construction process understandable, the wood beams an pillars are kept as visible as possible.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

Coating the wood with water white varnish enhances the required luminosity of the spaces and also creates homogeneity between the structure and the on site built furniture.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

The other colours that can be seen in fabrics were chosen to mimic the colours of the trees and leaves of the square.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo

In this sense the library can be seen as a resonance box. Source by Sebastian Irarrázaval.

Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
  • Location: Constitución, Chile
  • Architect: Sebastian Irarrázaval
  • Collaborators: Macarena Burdiles, Carlos Pesquera, Alicia Arguelles, Sebastián Mancera
  • Technical Inspection: Joel Barrera
  • Structural Engineer: Cargaz
  • Constructor: Proessa
  • Promoters: Fundación La Fuente, Banco Itau And Arauco
  • Owner: Municipality Of Constitución
  • Area: 350 m2
  • Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Felipe Díaz Contardo, Courtesy of Sebastian Irarrázaval
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Photo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
Image © Sebastian Irarrázaval
Image © Sebastian Irarrázaval
Image © Sebastian Irarrázaval
Image © Sebastian Irarrázaval
Image © Sebastian Irarrázaval
Image © Sebastian Irarrázaval

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