White Arkitekter releases Plans to reclaim underutilized areas of Stockholm

Plans to reclaim underutilized areas of Stockholm
Image © White Arkitekter

White Arkitekter is working with the City of Stockholm to redevelop Södra Skanstull, a neighbourhood characterised by obstructive overland infrastructure bridging the south of the city to the island of Södermalm.

Image © White Arkitekter

The project builds on Södra Skanstull’s identity by mapping, upgrading and enhancing existing facilities as well as providing 65 000 sqm for culture, sports and offices, 22 000 sqm for commerce and 750 new apartments. It reappraises the spaces in between the dominating infrastructure, reinvigorating underused spaces and creating boulevards for pedestrians and cyclists. The design proposal introduces soft landscaping and strategically positions new structures to minimise noise and pollutants.

Image © White Arkitekter

In contrast to the adjacent borough of Hammarby Sjöstad, which is hailed as an exemplary sustainable and human scaled neighbourhood, Södra Skanstull, in its current state, is abruptly cut off from city life. This scheme will aim to improve street level connectivity as part of a wider strategy to make Stockholm a denser and more walkable city.

Image © White Arkitekter

White Arkitekter has proven expertise in urban analysis and community consultation through grounded research and fieldwork. Unpicking what is there and building on this is central to the design approach. The strategic plan preserves the 1920s Eriksdalsbad swimming centre, popular sports facilities and community allotments, which were identified as strong local assets in the practice’s dialogue with residents and organisations rooted in the area. Local stakeholders have played a vital role in the process to date and will continue to have a voice in the shaping of the neighbourhood.

Image © White Arkitekter

“A dynamic and diverse city quarter can only flourish if we build on the history of what is already there, rather than building anew”, says Krister Lindstedt, Lead Architect at White Arkitekter. “We care about those who inhabit the city, who contribute the life of the neighbourhood and make Södra Skanstull’s identity. Consulting with businesses, cultural and community resources allowed us to identify, and make the most of, the existing qualities of the area”, says Rebecca Rubin, Architect at White. Phased construction will commence in 2019. Source by White Arkitekter.

Image © White Arkitekter
  • Location: Stockholm, Sweden
  • Architects: White Arkitekter
  • Project Team: Krister Lindstedt, Rebecca Rubin, Jens Rasmus Andersson, Ivar Suneson, Ulrika Stenkula, Elin Henriksson, Oskar Nordquist
  • Traffic: several cycling and walking lanes, 2 bus stops, 2 boat stops
  • Housing: approx. 750 apartments
  • Area: Sports, recreation, offices: 65 000 sqm
  • Commerce: 22 000 sqm
  • Hotel: 9 900 sqm
  • Year: 2025
  • Images: White Arkitekter and Tegmarks, Courtesy of White Arkitekter

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