Mango Vinyl Hub design competition by Bee Breeders

Mango Vinyl Hub
Image © Bee Breeders

Bee Breeders, in cooperation with Cesis Municipality and Mango Vinyl, recognise the ever-increasing popularity of vinyl records with their Mango Vinyl Hub architecture competition. Set to be located in an abandoned tin foil factory in Cēsis, the Mango Vinyl Hub will be a complex with the capacity to create, sell, and celebrate this classic musical medium.

Image © Bee Breeders

The grander vision of this complex will instigate further revitalisation of the block. The building should be considered the first stage in redeveloping the block and transforming it into a large scale creative park, acting as an anchor to draw interest and investment from other parties. It is hoped that this development will breathe new life into the area by transforming other abandoned buildings and creating a more prosperous future by revisiting the past.

Image © Bee Breeders

Mango Vinyl is committed to the development of the Mango Vinyl Hub during the 2017-2018 period, with all winning entries and honourable mentions being put forward for consideration for the final design of the complex. The Mango Vinyl Hub architecture competition is now open for submissions until April 19. It offers a prize fund of US $6,000, along with the chance for a contract to develop the complex with Mango Vinyl in the coming years. Source and images, Courtesy of Bee Breeders.

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