Nanjing Vertical Forest by Stefano Boeri Architects

Nanjing Vertical Forest
Image © Stefano Boeri Architects

Nanjing Green Towers, promoted by Nanjing Yang Zi State-owned National Investment Group, will be the first Vertical Forest built in Asia. Located in Nanjing Pukou District (an area destined to lead the modernization of southern Jiangsu and the development of the Yangtze River economic zone), the two towers are characterized by the interchange of green tanks and balconies, following the prototype of Milan’s Vertical Forest.

Image © Stefano Boeri Architects

Along the facades, 600 tall trees, 500 medium-sized trees (for a total amount of 1100 trees from 23 local species) and 2500 cascading plants and shrubs will cover a 6.000 sqm area. A real vertical forest that will help to regenerate local biodiversity, will provide a 25 tons of CO2 absorption each year and will produce about 60 kg of oxygen per day.

Image © Stefano Boeri Architects

The taller tower, 200 metres high, crowned on the top by a green lantern, will host offices – from the 8th floor to the 35th – and it will include a museum, a green architecture school and a private club on the rooftop. The second tower, 108 metres high, will provide a Hyatt hotel with 247 room of different sizes (from 35 sqm to 150 sqm) and a swimming pool on the rooftop. The 20 metres high podium, will host commercial, recreational and educative functions, including multi-brands shops, a food market, restaurants, conference hall and exhibition spaces.

Image © Stefano Boeri Architects

Nanjiing Vertical Forest project, which is scheduled to be finished in 2018, is the third prototype, after Milan and Lausanne, of a project about urban forestation and demineralisation that Stefano Boeri Architects will develop all over the world and in particular in other Chinese cities such as Shijiazhuang, Liuzhou, Guizhou, Shanghai and Chongqing. The interest raised in China towards Vertical Forest and Forest City projects is confirmed by the forthcoming publication, scheduled in April, of the book “A Forest City”, edited by Stefano Boeri Architects China and published by Tongji University Press. Source by Stefano Boeri Architects.

Image © Stefano Boeri Architects
  • Location: Nanjing, China
  • Architect: Stefano Boeri Architects
  • Partner: Stefano Boeri, Yibo Xu
  • Project Leader: Pietro Chiodi
  • Design Leader: Carolina Boccella, Bao Yinxin
  • Project Team: Giulia Chiatante, Agostino Bucci, Mario Tang Shilong
  • Plantation Consultant: Laura Gatti, SLG
  • Structural Consultant: Luca Buzzoni, ARUP (Italy)
  • Investor: Nanjing Yang Zi State-owned Investment Group CO.Ltd
  • Local Design Institution: Nanjing Yangzi River Urban Architectural Design, Co. Ltd.
  • Local Nursery: Nanjing ZhongShan Nursery, Co. Ltd.
  • Data: A1 tower 56.211.1 sqm, A2 tower 23.233.8 sqm
    Podium 36.137.7 sqm
  • Construction period: 2016-2018
  • Images: Courtesy of Stefano Boeri Architects

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