Huafa & City Hub Wuhan Sales Center by Shenzhen Rongor Design & Consultant

Huafa & City Hub Wuhan Sales Center
Photo © JING Xu-Feng

Intending to design a building style connected with Wuhan, we conducted a deep research of the local culture. Sparkling ripples in the East Lake after rain inspired the designers and led us to the answer—water.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

Wuhan is a city linked by rivers, lakes and pools. Water has not only witnessed its development and prosperity, but also nurtured its history and humanity for thousands of years. So we aim to create a natural space with water as the theme.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

The character of water lies in moving and motionlessness. Therefore, how to embody it and absorb it into space naturally have become the key to our design.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

As a result, we turn both real interior and exterior waterscapes, rooftops, walls and screens and even lightings, artworks, murals and ornaments, etc. into vivid carriers of water. And these objectified images of water can unexpectedly evoke the visitors’ inner response to beautiful moments.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

We place extended real interior and exterior waterscapes on both sides of the entrance, expecting to create a sense of “returning to the nature” in hustling metropolis. In spatial facade design, the fine and smooth water ripples in the wall made of white jade echo ripple textures formed by changed parts in upper horizontal lines.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

It looks like some stones are thrown into the lake, wrinkling the water layer by layer and inviting people into thoughts. In interior lighting design, we prioritize the presence of the moving rhythm of water clearly. Well-organized composite lights in the reception lobby represent the dewdrops in the early morning.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

Meanwhile, these lights present strong guidance, flowing naturally in space. Moreover, the component lights above the model area resemble pouring sun shower, immediately drawing visitors’ vision to the central model and making it the focus.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

Compared to other spaces, the design of negotiation area attaches more importance to the creation of inspiring inner communication. The negotiation area separated by artwork installation and screen is both tranquil and dynamic, modern and traditional, vividly demonstrating the spirit and implication of landscape.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

The partition screen made of spun silk is dotted with traditional Chinese ink and wash painting, subtly spreading the shading charm and delicacy.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

Inspired by the modern dance drama “Moon Water” performed by the Cloud Gate Dance Theater in Taiwan, the large artwork installation is hung in the center of the area. Its flexible and unfolding lines are just like dancing in the sun, forming a strong vision reference and thus become the finishing touch of the negotiation area.

Photo © JING Xu-Feng

Location: Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
Architect: Shenzhen Rongor Design & Consultant
Principal Designer: Qin Yue-Ming
Project Team: Xiao Run, He Jing, Yang Xue-Feng
Area: 1,286m2
Date completed: 2015
Photographs: JING Xu-Feng, Courtesy of Shenzhen Rongor Design & Consultant

Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng
Photo © JING Xu-Feng

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