O House by Estudio Gómez de la Torre & Guerrero Arquitectos

O House
Photo © Juan Solano

Located on the highest point of Lima, where the Andes initiate and positioned on a hill with 180 degree view over the Urbanization “La Planicie” facing a golf course view, this house morphologically follows the curve of the land.

Photo © Juan Solano

This approach allows all social and intimate spaces to enjoy the wonderful view that this location provides. Curved spaces have always been immersed in the proposals of our Studio, we explored and formed a language with them.

Photo © Juan Solano

In this case the house is worked, as indicated, with curved lines that define a large circle that involves the whole facade including a large main entrance, where the curve becomes steeper, wrapping the glass part of the lobby and the main staircase, spiral steps of steel and glass, which communicates all the house floors.

Photo © Juan Solano

Also we propose a lift which is accessed from the extension of the lobby. The social part of the house has stabilized taking the highest point of the land because the access road is in a rising curve, so therefore is where the lobby begins, the lobby is a double height space, a glass wall separates the living room and the glass bridge on the second floor, the bridge cross the master bedroom area to the bedrooms of the children.

Photo © Juan Solano

Upon entering the living room, the landscape is found before the eyes of the spectator. The room is also double height, like the lobby and integrates the outside through its curved double round openings spaced columns that follows a constant rate; on the right side you can enter the dining room and on the left, the terrace that is adjacent to the pool.

Photo © Juan Solano

This also follows the curve of land and has a glass floor through which lights up and enter the sunlight into the second pool below , which keeps the same shape and , taking advantage of the height that allows us to the ground of the pool be able to leave the building having an uncover gap for direct sun.

Photo © Juan Solano

We got out of the living room to the garden which is located on top of the first basement which houses the family room, the gym, the playground a kitchenette, a large extra bedroom and as noted above, the second pool.From the garden you can see the entire rear facade and two terraces, one off and the other as an extension of the kitchen where the grill and clay oven covered by a louvered aluminum structure.

Photo © Juan Solano

Two bedrooms are up a slight slope and fly over the garden marking disruptions curved on the facade that becomes the composition of the entire volume; and on the back part of the volume stands in marked granillada texture in black color.

Photo © Juan Solano

The second basement is fully embedded in the hill and the walls that by the difference in the level of the outside track that is coming up all the environment can be appreciated; they have talamoye stone veneer, which mimics rock small hill leaving only the garage door for the entry of cars.

Photo © Juan Solano

The service area is located on the opposite side of the pool and garden and it is developed in the two lower floor levels, it has an interior patio where it is illuminate and ventilate. In this large multipurpose room also it accessed by an external staircase that starts next the main entrance that is facing the street and come to a small open square. Source by Estudio Gómez de la Torre & Guerrero Arquitectos.

Photo © Juan Solano
  • Location: Lima, Peru
  • Architect: Estudio Gómez de la Torre & Guerrero Arquitectos
  • Architect in Charge: Enrique Gómez de la Torre Salas, María del Carmen Guerrero Yábar
  • Project Team: Luisa Bocanegra, Rodrigo Gómez de la Torre
  • Structures: Francisco Barrantes
  • Sanitary facilities: Gustavo Hidalgo
  • Electrical Facilities: Jorge Luis Suca
  • Area: 813 m2
  • Built area: 1456 m2
  • Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Juan Solano, Courtesy of Estudio Gómez de la Torre & Guerrero Arquitectos
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano
Photo © Juan Solano

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