Parking garage Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc by dJGA + Modulo Architects

Parking garage
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

De Jong Gortemaker Algra, together with architecture firm Modulo, based in Brussels, and engineering firm Ellyps, designed a staff parking garage with a capacity of 985 cars for Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

This resulted in a fluent structure integrated with the site. Parking garages are often labeled as mere functional industrial buildings rather than being referred to as inspiring architecture.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

Yet the parking garage is often the first place of contact with, in this case, the hospital and should therefore serve as a warm welcome for the visitors.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

This parking project at Saint-Luc is made into a positive first encounter, by selecting natural materials, providing abundant daylight and emphasizing contextual connection.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

The parking garage
In a rather loose assemblage of hospital buildings, residential buildings and parking area, we designed a parking garage, both clear and attractive, that is skillfully embedded in the topography, thereby structuring the site.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

On top of three underground parking decks, the two above ground decks of the building, bridge the terrain gradient between street level and the green roof, where a garden connects to the adjacent residences.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

We challenged ourselves to also make the underground decks clear and pleasant. By introducing a sinuous ‘canyon’ encompassing the garage that allows light and air to reach even the lowest deck.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

Natural light and this (eventually green) canyon-wall contribute to orientation and ensure a positive experience for the user.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

The facades, made of meandering hardwood slats (FSC), naturally relate to the character of the canyon. An appealing building, nicely embedded and with added value for the user is the result.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot

The structure is calculated in view of a potential building on top of the parking garage. Source by dJGA.

Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
  • Location: Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Architects: De Jong Gortemaker Algra (dJGA), Modulo architects (MOD)
  • Project Architects: Tycho Saariste (dJGA), Maurits Algra (dJGA), Christopher Banderier (dJGA), Jériémie Commenne (MOD), Lieven van Landschoot (MOD)
  • Contractor:Delens-CitBlaton-Thiran
  • Structural Engineering: ELLYPS
  • Mechanical/Electrical Engineering: ELLYPS
  • Client: Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
  • Size: 26.000 m2
  • Parking spaces: 985
  • Completed: 2016
  • Photographs: Lieven van Landschoot, Courtesy of dJGA
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Photo © Lieven van Landschoot
Ground Floor Plan
Roof Floor Plan

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