Bridge + School opens in Utrecht by NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak

Bridge + School in Utrecht
Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

From 3 april cyclists bike over the roof of a school
The Dafne Schippers Bridge over the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal in Utrecht will open on Monday 3 April.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

The bridge is a winning design by NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau in collaboration with Arup and Bureau B+B commissioned by the City of Utrecht.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

What makes this bridge so special is the inventiveness: the structure integrates a cycle and pedestrian bridge with a school and a public garden, forming one single cohesive design.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

The double land use with maximum space for greenery makes the Dafne Schippers bridge unique, not just as a bridge but also as a destination.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

A cohesive design
When cyclists make their way from the centre of Utrecht via the district of Oog in Al to the new district of Leidsche Rijn, a long bend takes them upwards through the Victor Hugo park, passing the roof garden on the roof of a school.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

“In one fluid movement, the cycle route, park, and school are brought together to form a cohesive whole of infrastructure, architecture, and landscape,” tells Marijn Schenk, NEXT architects.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

Connections tith the environment
With 110 metres in length, the Dafne Schippers Bridge is an impressive structure: the deck is suspended 9 metres above the water and the highest point stretches almost 35 metres above the water.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

At the same time, it seamlessly fits into the densely build environment. A slim suspension bridge is hanging between two asymmetric pylons. On the Leidsche Rijn side, the pylon becomes a powerful landmark; on the school side, a smaller pylon links up with a row of trees.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

More than just a transport connection
On a daily basis, the Dafne Schippers Bridge will allow more than 7,000 cyclists to gain much time on their route.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau

At the same time, by connecting the city in a new way, and by designing the bridge, school, and park in an integral manner, the bridge becomes more than just a fast route from A to B. Source and images Courtesy of NEXT Architects.

Image © NEXT architects and Rudy Uytenhaak Architectenbureau
  • Location: Oog in Al, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Architects: NEXT Architects and Rudy Uytenhaak
  • Project Team NEXT:MarijnSchenk, Michel Schreinemachers, Bart Reuser with Tara Steenvoorden, JurriaanHillerstrom, Mark Jongerius
  • Project Team RUA: Karin Dorrepaal and Jonathan van Leeuzen
  • Design of public space: Bureau B+B stedenbouw en landschapsarchitectuur
  • Structural design and civil engineering:Arup, via PienNiehe
  • Client: Municipality of Utrecht
  • Size: span 110 mtr
  • Year: 2017
  • Images: Courtesy of NEXT architects
Site Plan
Bridge structure

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