High-rise proposal in Aarhus by Henning Larsen

High-rise proposal
Image © Henning Larsen

Henning Larsen’s proposal for a new high-rise in Aarhus presents an exhibition hall at ground floor level as well as a world-class art installation at 120 meters.

Image © Henning Larsen

The ambition is to create a destination, an attraction of high artistic quality, for all citizens of Aarhus and visitors equal to Moesgaard Museum, which is also designed by Henning Larsen.

Image © Henning Larsen

At the top floors, renowned artist Doug Aitken interprets the lantern of a lighthouse through twelve, custom designed galleries. The galleries offer a unique, spatial experience across several floors where art and view, city and bay interrelate in new ways.

Image © Henning Larsen

The crossing between observation platform and art gallery shapes an iconic place and marks Aarhus Ø. The proposal adds urban qualities and attractions to the city district making it interesting and fun to locals and visitors to visit the most remote parts of Aarhus Ø.

Image © Henning Larsen

Based on microclimate analyses and wind studies conducted by Henning Larsen’s specialists, the team created comfortable urban spaces able to accommodate outdoor catering at the foot of the spectacular building.

Image © Henning Larsen

Here, one is able to experience the contrast between the wind-swept quay and the shielded urban spaces and parks. Towards the bay, a large square promotes an active, maritime environment with the possibility to farm mussels, establish a sea kayak club and add changing facilities to the existing sea swim club.

Image © Henning Larsen

Towards the north-west, some of the existing kitchen gardens will remain next to a more active and recreational area in connection to the fitness facilities at the building’s ground floor level.

Image © Henning Larsen

Henning Larsen developed the proposal in collaboration with A. Enggaard. The City of Aarhus chose to realize another proposal. Source and images, Courtesy of Henning Larsen.

Image © Henning Larsen
Image © Henning Larsen
Image © Henning Larsen

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