Studio Komma wins competition for re-uses an old parking garage in The Hague

‘’Ka-vel 2 ‘Urban Lab’ Challenge
Image © Studio Komma

The dutch architectural firm Studio Komma, in close collaboration with concept-developer The Men of Foam, is the winner of the ‘’Ka-vel 2 ‘Urban Lab’ Challenge’’ in The Hague, The Netherlands. The winning proposal, titled “ZIP2516”, combines multiple functions within a building that is fully re-mountable and re-uses an old parking gar-age.

Image © Studio Komma

A challenging mix of functions
The project is to be located on The Binckhorst, an introverted indus-trial area very close to The Hague that is currently transforming into a living and working district. ZIP2516 is a concept where social and commercial entrepreneurship will meet, and is combined with a mul-tifunctional public space.

Image © Studio Komma

The ground floor of the building accommodates the flagship store of a social entrepreneur, Happy Tosti. On the first floor is a public square, the ‘urban play ground’, covered by two floors of office space for start-ups. On top, the program is completed by a special ginbar with roof terrace.


In the design, the program is stacked and projected on the plot, and is partially lifted to make room for the public square. Next, the ground floor is modified in such a way that it creates a welcoming gesture to its users and visitors. With this iconic building, the team wants to add both economically and socially value to the area, and become a genuine accelerator for the transformation of the area.

Urban mining

A circular building as a Lego-package
The competition brief calls for a building that can activate the loca-tion for 10 years, after which it is decided whether the building re-mains permanently. This requirement challenges to think about tem-porary structures that have a permanent high quality.

Urban mining

The team de-cided to make a building on the principle of a Lego-package. Smart structural joints ensure that the building can be dismantled at an el-ementary level. After ten years, if needed, the whole building can be moved and re-mounted at a new location to boost the urban and/or regional economy. A circular construction principle based on value preservation, and adaptable to future de-velopments.

Urban mining

Urban mining: an old parking garage re-used
ZIP2516 is carefully designed so that an old parking garage can be reused almost completely. By making clever use of the donor build-ing, the components (floors, beams, railings) can be reused in dif-ferent ways for the realization of the ground floor and the urban playground.


Following the Lego principle, the donor parts are also made remova-ble, and can move to the next location. The jury has assessed the proposal as “a plan with guts” and as a real eyecatcher focusing on the future users of the area. Source by Studio Komma.

  • Location: The Hague, the Netherlands
  • Architect: Studio Komma
  • Project Team:MaartenThewissen, Joost van Rooijen
  • Concept Developer: The Men of Foam
  • Structural Engineer:IMdRaadgevendIngenieurs
  • Installation Engineer: Galjema Technisch Adviesbureau
  • Cost Consultant: IGG Bouweconomie
  • Urban Mining Consultant: New Horizon
  • Client: Municipality of The Hague
  • Status: preliminary design
  • Size: 3000m2
  • Completion: 2018 (expected)
  • Images: Courtesy of Studio Komma
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Thirth Floor Plan
Fourth Floor Plan

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