Architectural Experimental Campus

Architectural Experimental Campus

Our project is a specialized architectural campus and thinking labs which deal with architecture in its unbuilt form. Our goal is to provide students with an overview of the experience-based design process, while simultaneously encouraging students to develop a specific researches trajectory within the field cause.

Image © Hamzeh Ma’aleah Manaseer, Hala Al Abbadi

Our project will be a container of process and the design will be the final product of the process relationships which serves two main types of designers: internal designers who will follow all our process, and external designers who will cut out our process from one of the processes and that’s why we want to check up units as an entrances to them which make sure they passed all the previous phases successfully , and it will be our base reference for the externals which has an elite from designers and experts in the field who help the internal and external designers to check their process when it is needed.

Image © Hamzeh Ma’aleah Manaseer, Hala Al Abbadi

There are two amphitheaters and public square in the middle: the Historical amphitheater”Roman amphitheater” and the Natural amphitheater in the opposite side “buildings that climb the mountain with their glass facades and concrete texture”. There are thousands of users visiting sites constantly reflecting different cultural backgrounds so this enables us to cope with different perspectives experimenting the project products. we want the products to be as a focusing viewing point overlooked by the site to make sure that the observation units are having the full observational control on it. one of the main concerns on the site is the public access to the products show area which is one of the main parts in the project that allows the public to easily move in it. Source by Hamzeh Ma’aleah Manaseer, Hala Al Abbadi.

Image © Hamzeh Ma’aleah Manaseer, Hala Al Abbadi
  • Location: Amman, Jordan
  • Student: Hamzeh Ma’aleah Manaseer, Hala Al Abbadi
  • Project: Graduation project at University of Jordan
  • Supervised: Omar Amireh
  • Images: Hamzeh Ma’aleah Manaseer, Hala Al Abbadi

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