The Flower Pavilion by Laisné Roussel

Flower Pavilion
Photo © Giaime Meloni

Laisné Roussel unveils the Flower Pavilion at the entrance of the first edition of the Biennale d’Architecture of Lyon. This event which takes place from June 8th until July 9th at the Sucrière brings together practitioners, operators, researchers, professors, students and manufacturers who are invited to think, work, produce and debate together.

Photo © Giaime Meloni

Erected on the banks of the river Saône, this installation was inspired by greenhouses to create an upward wander, surrounded by colourful vegetation. The Flower Pavilion was created within the scope of the project “Habiter” together with Michel Philippon.

Photo © Giaime Meloni

A strong collaboration with M-Tech (Marchegay), a pioneer company in greenhouse technologies allowed the team to create a sustainable and costefficient structure.

Photo © Giaime Meloni

The double spiral staircase invites the visitor to wander vertically in a fruity and flowery garden and provides access to the belvedere where one can contemplate the surroundings.

Photo © Giaime Meloni

Designed as a playful installation, the Pavilion disrupts the boundaries between inside and outside, between architecture and nature. This exploratory structure is a vision for what could be tomorrow’s architecture.

Photo © Giaime Meloni

Technical Process
The Pavilion is comprised of a tubular, 11.90m high steal structure, which is welded, coated in white, and covered with a thin white metal mesh of 5cm
x 5cm.

Photo © Giaime Meloni

The double spiral staircase allows for one to ascend up to the belvedere. Two metal slides are attached to the structure. The flowers hanging from the central core and slides invites visitors to discover a sensorial experience. Source by Laisné Roussel.

Photo © Giaime Meloni

Location: La Sucrière – 49/50 Quai Rambaud, Lyon, France
Architect: Laisné Roussel
Project Leader: Dimitri Roussel
Project Team: Victor Deplus, Julie Siol, Elena Grajera
Romero, Rohit Nandha, Adèle Vibert
Height: 11,90 m
Year: 2017
Photographs: Giaime Meloni, Courtesy of Laisné Roussel

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