Multi-purpose building of the South Czech Philharmonic by Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus

Multi-purpose building of the South Czech Philharmonic
Image © Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus

The architecture of the building was conceived to reflect a harmonious setting that recognizes the cityscape & landscape features of the surrounding environment. The proposal intends to strengthen the social integration of the community by integrating park Na Sadech into the design.

Image © Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus

The building roof pavement is inclined to flow with the existing landscape creating a platform where music and concert shows can spill outside and into the public realm. The roof is characterized by terraced modular steel container structure cut into 9 equal parts covered with solar panels, courtyard openings and green areas. It also acts as the facade where the roof kisses the ground on the North elevation and South elevation facing the park Na Sadech respectively.

Image © Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus

The roof of the new building gives a rare opportunity to offer an attractive view of the location based and still well-preserved medieval town.The building doesn’t impose its massing on the cityscape but acts as a transparent and porous structure allowing for uninterrupted view and access from the northern front of the square, rear wings of apartment buildings, western and eastern create robust buildings with a small city-forming potential to park Na Sadech at the south.

Image © Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus

The building has clear windows running from floor to ceiling, creating strong connection between the inside and outside with spaces flowing from the building to the outside. The open space on site is utilized fully with seating arrangements within a well landscaped garden environment complete with water feature and park furniture. The entertaining spaces provide a place to unwind while encouraging social interaction.

Image © Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus

The design focuses on human-centred concept which highlights and emphasise the importance of pedestrian movement for a site that is surrounded by roads, vehicular movement are restricted to underground parking including the general public parking spaces for the row houses on the North and East of the site. The first basement floor of the building is used as a storage tank for rain water collection system on the roof and reinforced concrete wall that acts as thermal mass, insulated for heat balance and control.


The glazed courtyards allows natural day light into the building’s foyer as well as been used for stack effect ventilation allowing the rise of warm air. The glass windows are E-glazing panel acting as insulators and acoustic finishes together with wood panel on the wall, ceiling and floor of the halls. Source by Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus.


Location: České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Architect: Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus
Client: KOMA Modular
Year: 2016
Images: Courtesy of Amadi Izuchukwu Magnus

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