Hedzranawe Clinic by Hermann Kamte & Associates

Hedzranawe Clinic
Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

The first intention of this work was to help the local community and eventually reinvent healthcare building. This clinic is to contribute to the health domain. The project wants to change the lifestyle of people, I think of the medical team and patient.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

In Togo, there’s a lack of medical facilities and that is why I nourish an interest in this topic. But now, how to process? The Hedranawe clinic will guarantee fluidity and best communication between it owns main functions. It will be a safe environment for patients, medical team and other users and workers.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

Then, the clinic has been developed as a smart building and well-being workplace. Then, it guarantees fluidity and best communication system between its whole functions. The structure is sustainable and safe.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

Also, highlights aspects such as thermal and acoustic comfort, relaxation spaces, social gathering are become the priority near it first definition to treat people. To produce a green environment became one important step of our design process while another was to make a special application of public and private spaces.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

The Design is inspired by local architecture, but we also add another touch into shape composition. Eventually, number of floor was limited to respect the neighbouring and the surrounding landscape. The result is, volume follows the context and the land.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

To take advantage of natural elements such as lighting or ventilation, the building is open on its environment and then provides aesthetic and visual comfort. An atrium serves as relaxation and leisure spaces for visitors, patient and medical teams. Architecture is characterised by two Volumes linked by footbridges. The space between both is a great atrium, this one contain water plan.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

The first volume at the front containing entrance also consists of two sub-shapes. These offer creation of another atrium above the great hall. And then, transparency of architecture is unveiled. Each bedroom has a privileged view on the city. A large variety of materials make this building welcoming for his surroundings.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

Limestone, anodised alucocond and aluminium consist of the main materials using external identity. At indoor; wood, anodised alucocond and non-skid Ceramic partially define materiality of the design. The building has coloured fronts in order to bring a warm feeling and integrated the building into the osmosis of the city.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

The volumes want to play with the visual comfort and break with monotony. Building use natural ventilation and air conditioning depending on affectation of each space.
Several offices, bedroom and consulting room can use natural ventilation and lighting while the laboratory, surgery or imagery services only use air conditioning and artificial control lighting.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates

That is why, an efficient system of LED lighting is installed. Acoustic and thermal insulation are assumed by composite walls and floors. There’s a collecting system for grey water, rainwater and storm water. Only the last two are reused for watering. Grey water is transformed outside the site. Source by Hermann Kamte & Associates.

Image © Hermann Kamte & Associates
  • Location: Cameroon
  • Architect: Hermann Kamte & Associates (HKA)
  • Architect in charge: Hermann Kamte
  • Status: 1st Prize international competition
  • Year: 2017
  • Images: Courtesy of Hermann Kamte & Associates
Site Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan

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