Bestseller headquarters in Brande by Dorte Mandrup

Bestseller headquarters
Image © Dorte Mandrup

Bestseller has announced their highly ambitious plan for re-thinking their headquarters in Brande and building Denmark’s highest tower while they’re at it. The plan is to create an exiting environment where shopping becomes an integrated part of a greater experience with office environments, public activities and education integrated in a shared, rethought setup. The area will be home to up to 30 stores that will be a mix of BESTSELLER’s own stores and external non-fashion-stores. Add to this, plans of hotel accommodation, educational facilities and not least multiple BESTSELLER offices.

Image © Dorte Mandrup

Offices, stores, educational institutions, hotel, playground: BESTSELLER is re-thinking the classic idea of a headquarter, invites the local community to join in and creates a long-term plan for the company’s presence in Brande, where the head quarter is located. When the freeway by Brande opened a few years back, BESTSELLER prepared a future expansion by connecting its current grounds on the inside of the freeway to its land on the other side of the freeway. The investment plans have now been revitalised and the project has moved into a clarification phase before the final decision is made.

Image © Dorte Mandrup

Part of the new project will focus on opening doors and inviting the local community to join in to create experiences and shopping opportunities for the people and the local associations in Brande. The plan is to give something back to the town and its people by establishing nature walks, playgrounds or similar initiatives as part of the project. The most distinctive element of the new project is a central high-rise building projected to +200 meters. There has not yet been set a date for the project start, but it will be 2019 at the earliest. Source by BESTSELLER, images Courtesy of Dorte Mandrup.

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