New Generations Festival 2017: Architects vs. Rest of the World kicks off in Rome

New Generations Festival 2017
New Generations Festival 2014 Florence – Photo © Lorenzo Antonucci

The fourth edition of the New Generations Festival, the international architecture event curated by Gianpiero Venturini (Itinerant Office) for the cultural association New Generations running in Rome from September 24-26th, 2017.

New Generations Festival 2014 Florence – Photo © Raffaele Bernardo

Promoted by the Casa dell’Architettura, with the support of the CNAPPC (National Council Architects, Planners, Landscape Designers and Restorers), the Chamber of Architects, Planners, Landscape Designers and Restorers of Rome and Province, the Embassy of the Netherlands in Rome and Creative Industries Fund NL, the initiative is part of Estate Romana’s programme promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth.

ENORME Studio – Photo © ENORME Studio

The festival, which has welcomed, in previous editions (Milan, 2013; Florence, 2014; Genoa, 2015), more than 5,000 participating architects, designers, students, local authority representatives and research institutes, will be hosted within the enchanting Nineteenth century Casa dell’Architettura – Acquario Romano.

ORIZZONTALE – Photo © Alessandro Imbriaco

During the inauguration on Sunday 24th September, from 19.30h onwards, the institutional welcome and the introduction by the curator Gianpiero Venturini will be followed by a Pecha Kucha Night, showcasing a selection of young international talents.

U67 – Photo © Luca Tenaglia

Entitled “Architects vs. Rest of the World”, the event will unite more than 80 young designers and international experts. These include: APPAREIL (ES), Architecture for Refugees (CH), Josep Bohigas (General Director Barcelona Regional, ES), ecoLogicStudio (UK), Emanuele Bompan (geographer and journalist, IT), Ricardo Devesa (editor-in-chief for urbanNext, Actar, ES).

ecoLogicStudio – Photo © NAARO

As well as ENORME Studio (ES), Fosbury Architecture (IT), Luca Montuori (Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning at the Municipality of Rome, IT), Orizzontale (IT), Olga Polishuk (Chief Operating Officer of Strelka Institute, RU), SET Architects (IT), Jean-Benoît Vetillard (FR), U67 (DK), and WikiSpazioPubblico (IT). In addition to this, two keynote speakers will fuel the debate during the evenings: Koert van Mensvoort (Next Nature, NL) and Jose Luis Vallejo (ecosistema urbano, ES). Source and photos, Courtesy of New Generation.


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