3000 heart-shaped red and white by Collective Paper Aesthetics

3000 heart-shaped red and white
Photo © Tim Dalhoff

Phaeno Science Center invites Collective Paper Aesthetics to co-create participatory pop-up structures with visitors at Tag der Niedersachsen 2017. Tag der Niedersachsen is a three-day cultural festival in the German state of Lower Saxony.

Photo © Tim Dalhoff

The aim of the festival is to reinforce awareness of the state achievements and bringing together state citizens from different ages and background. Phæno is an interactive science center in Wolfsburg, Germany designed by Dame Zaha Hadid.

Photo © Tim Dalhoff

The wonderful concrete building and landscape are linking the city’s train station, commercial center and residential district with Volkswagen’s Wolfsburg automotive plant and its visitors centre.

Photo © Tim Dalhoff

The unique context where building and landscape are merging into one fluid space was a perfect setup for audience participatory explorations in objects and spaces made from the same modular unit.

Photo © Tim Dalhoff

3000 heart- shaped red and white cardboard triangles made for the event. The colours chosen to reflect Phæno’s visual identity in the audience self-designed structures.

Photo © Tim Dalhoff

In a region whose economy dominates by advanced industrial production, Phaeno is not merely a radical experiment in construction and materials on itself but providing a curved platform for citizen’s investigation in typology and topology. Source by Collective Paper Aesthetics.

Photo © Tim Dalhoff
  • Location: Wolfsburg, Germany
  • Design: Collective Paper Aesthetics
  • Curator: Davy Champion
  • Manufacture and Engineering: Labro Verpakkingen
  • Right hand: Luis Diaz Rivera
  • Client: Phaeno Science Center
  • Year: 2017
  • Photographs: Tim Dalhoff, Courtesy of Collective Paper Aesthetics

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