The Awarded Projects from Eleven’s International Planetarium Competition

Planetarium Competition

Eleven are excited to announce the winners and awarded entries of Planetarium, their sixth international architecture competition! The challenge wished to revisit the romance between linking the stars to us humans through the experience of architecture, and recontextualise it in today’s contemporary world, technology and renewed interest in space exploration and discovery.

Image © Eleven

Greenwich Deep Space Exploratorium by Jonathan Law, Cheryl Lim & Ashirai Zeyn Musikavanhu (UK / Singapore)

Image © Jonathan Law, Cheryl Lim & Ashirai Zeyn Musikavanhu

For the first time in the history of Eleven’s competitions, a team has won both the jury vote and the public vote. This winning planetarium design comes to life in the form of an elegant sensory journey of discovery.

Image © Jonathan Law, Cheryl Lim & Ashirai Zeyn Musikavanhu

Above ground, monolithic ‘alien’ structures are scattered amongst the peaceful setting of Greenwich Park. Below ground, these shells become vessels for galactic exploration, hold within them sensory experiences of space. Prepare yourself to be submerged (quite literally) into the depths of space. Experience the dark nothingness black holes, feel the heat of the brightest burning suns, and be dwarfed by the magnificence of galaxies.

Microsphere by Christian Gabbiani & Elisa Porro (Italy)

Image © Christian Gabbiani & Elisa Porro

A minimal poetic design that focuses on an intimate rediscovery of space and puts you at the centre of the universe.

Image © Christian Gabbiani & Elisa Porro

The architecture is underrated but elegant, allowing it to comfortably exist in a whole multitude of contexts around the world. Tiny design, big idea. Your own private corner of space.

Archxis (Architecture for Experiencing Intergalactic Space) by Albert S. Yu, Jay Panelo, Noriel M. Estipular & Ara Lovinia G. Fronda (Philippines)

Image © Albert S. Yu, Jay Panelo, Noriel M. Estipular & Ara Lovinia G. Fronda

The idea behind this planetarium is strong, well presented in the sheets and contemporary, helping us understand the galactic (and extragalactic) cosmology beyond our planet in a rational and clear way. It is easy to see this being built in cities around the world. This design uses the architecture fully as part of the experience, rather than as a simple container for space exhibits to exist in.

Chronos: The Space-Time Planetarium by Drew Heller, Isabella Marcotulli & Ibrahim Salman (USA)

Image © Drew Heller, Isabella Marcotulli & Ibrahim Salman

The creativity of concept is only overshadowed by the beautiful sheets, which become true works of art in themselves. Eccentric, crazy, yet structured, this design is a building like no other we have seen, which pushes the boundaries of what a planetarium could be. To quote one of our jury members: “Is it realistic? Probably not, but who cares. It makes you go wow and dream. After all, isn’t this what space is all about?”

Space Fair by Ryan Danny Baxter & Amanda Mei Schwarz (USA)

Image © Ryan Danny Baxter & Amanda Mei Schwarz

This scheme has a quirky retro feel and matching graphics. It is a hybrid between a school science fair and a high-school sports event (where are the cheerleaders?). We love its fun-natured spirit and the possibility of creating an event (rather than a building) around the idea of learning about space which can be enjoyed by both children and adults. The fair has the added bonus of allowing for the event to change in time and travel the world, accessing even the most remote communities.

Antinous – The Planetarium of Rome by Roberto Fioretti & Tommaso Marenaci (Italy)

Image © Roberto Fioretti & Tommaso Marenaci

A beautiful link between past and present through the eternity of space. This design uses architecture to link the user to stars, planets and satellites above. We particularly love the Moon phase gallery: just one of the ways in which this team has manipulated architectural form in subtle ways to create powerful lessons of space through a sensory experience of place. Lovely.
View full entry here!

Somewhat Empty Space by Justin Jed Zumel (USA)

Image © Justin Jed Zumel

This planetarium is more than a piece of architecture. It is a grand vision which is captivating in concept and graphically. We love the way the design team chose an unconventional site and how important figures in the history of physics, space and astronomy are represented in architecture, existing within the overall scheme like planets in full orbit. Hard to imagine a visitor not being awed by the grander of the design and the boldness of the experiences held within.

Celestial Trace by Keonwoo Kim & Jeong A Lee (South Korea)

Image © Keonwoo Kim & Jeong A Lee

Simple, elegant, beautifully presented and unlike anything else submitted in this competition. We particularly loved the idea of flipping the dome (literally) to create a new way of experiencing space. We like the tension in walking the ‘space plank’ (as we called it) and feeling like you are floating in the middle of stars. This project has a potential to profoundly impact on one’s perceptions.

Source and images, Courtesy of Eleven.

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