Winy Maas ambassador of DDW 2017: The Future City is Wonderful

The Future City is Wonderful
Visionary Citie – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

As an ambassador of Dutch Design Week 2017, Winy Maas co-founder of MVRDV together with research think-thank, The Why Factory which he directs, stage four interventions in Eindhoven exploring Future City Products.

We Want World Wonders – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

Products of the future city in The Future City is Wide by The Why Factory, Copy Paste, a bad ass guide for becoming a Starchitect, (W)ego, a 9 meter high, habitable installation and Ici Eindhoven about the future of the city of Eindhoven, with workshops on the question: What do the Eindhovenaars want?

Green Dream – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

In a world experiencing dramatic climate change, declining resources, huge differences in income, extensive political/social disagreement, rapid population growth, substantial consumption of food, water, energy, oxygen, and threats of populism, nationalism, and globalization.

Absolute Leisure – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

Design disciplines must work on these issues and provide solutions. What products can facilitate this enterprise? And what is the future city they can create? The interventions at Dutch Design Week investigate just a few of these futures and more are going to be explored.

The Vertical Village –
Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

The Future City is Flexible
The installation in the Markt Square in Eindhoven. Nine rooms are made from an idealistic but egoistic perspective including a panorama room, a stair room, a sky room and more. Users must negotiate with each other to create their ideal room in a limited space. How to defend your ideals?

Biodivecity – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

They start to circle around each other. And somehow, they become maybe even richer. With intrusions and negotiations, one has the feeling that there is something interesting happening next door as well. Why not visit? Ego becomes Wego. The installation shows a frozen moment of the interactive process.

Barba – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

The Future City is Wide
The film shown at the entrance of the Klokgebouw shows the beauty of the possible. Sorted per agenda point, hundreds of ideas from students of the Why Factory illustrate and speculate on the wide of the possible future city. Yes, it is possible!

Luxury of the North – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

The Future City has Memories
The presentation and launch in the Klokgebouw (at the ABN AMRO Auditorium) of the new book by the Why Factory: Copy Paste. The publication shows the evolutionary aspects of architecture in a provocative manner. A Badass Copy Guide.

Porocity – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

The Future City is Eindhoven
The presentation in the Stadhuisplein Square of Eindhoven of the masterclass about the intensification of uses in Eindhoven’s city centre. The work, undertaken by students from several universities shows a wide variety of towers that could be built in the centre of Eindhoven one day. My aim is to welcome citizens and discuss the future of their city.

Egocity – Image © The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft

The installations have been made possible with help from many sponsors including De Meeuw, Dutch Design Week, Gemeente Eindhoven, Van Beek Art Supplies, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven and Keeper Development. Dutch Design Week takes place between 21 – 29 October. Source by MVRDV and photos Courtesy of The Why Factory/Delft University of Technology TU Delft.

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