Approved Two Trees Management’s plans for Domino Refinery

Domino Refinery
Image Courtesy of berlinrosen

The Landmarks Preservation Commission approved Two Trees Management Co.’s revised plans for the landmarked Refinery building, the central part of its transformative redevelopment of the Domino Sugar Factory site.

Image Courtesy of berlinrosen

Two Trees spent 18 months preparing and seeking public approval for a SHoP Architects’ master plan that improved on the previously approved plan by reconnecting the community to the waterfront, introducing light and air to the neighborhood with world-class design, reactivating the historic Refinery as a dynamic new office space, and increasing the amount of affordable housing.

Image Courtesy of berlinrosen

Two Trees has made tremendous progress toward delivering this vision:
– 325 Kent, also designed by SHoP Architects, welcomed its first residents in July, with a total of 522 units, including 105 affordable homes.

Image Courtesy of berlinrosen

– 260 Kent, a mixed-use residential and commercial building designed by COOKFOX Architects, broke ground in April and will include 330 apartments (with more than 20 percent affordable) and 150,000 square feet of office space.
– Domino Park, a 6-acre waterfront public space, completed its bulkhead this year and is on track to open next spring and provide access to the waterfront for the first time in generations.

Image Courtesy of berlinrosen

The Refinery building is the centerpiece of the development, both from a design and activity perspective, with the thousands of jobs it will attract creating a 24/7 energy across the site and the iconic Domino Sugar sign returning atop the building. Vishaan Chakrabarti’s Practice for Architecture and Urbanism (PAU) has prepared a revised plan for the Refinery building that utilizes the same total volume of approximately 400,000 square feet. Source by Two Trees Management, images Courtesy of berlinrosen.

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