Amatrice Food Area by Stefano Boeri Architetti

Amatrice Food Area

Thanks to the funds collected by the Corriere della Sera newspaper and the TV News program of La 7, along with the project donated by Stefano Boeri Architetti, the “Polo Del Gusto” (Fine Food Complex) has been operative since the end of July: a 12-minute video describes the year zero of Amatrice in the words of the restaurant owners who have found new premises and designers to fit them out.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

The video shot by the film production company “The Blink Fish” narrates this first chapter of the Amatrice reconstruction project, from the viewpoint of those who have refused to give up and have steadfastly believed in its rebirth, ever since the morning of 24 August.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

The Polo del Gusto consists of a series of buildings spread over an area of 8,000 sq meters all dedicated to food and conviviality: a new town square which, as well as the canteen, hosts eight of the town’s historical restaurants, which were wiped out by the quake.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

An idea that has taken shape thanks to the solidarity of many people: Corriere della Sera newspaper and the TV News program of La 7 have collected donations from all over Italy, the firm of Stefano Boeri Architetti has donated and coordinated the project, the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia has made an operative contribution through the Innova FVG Consortium in the way of prefabricated modular wood elements, produced in the same region.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

A project which would never have seen the light without the impassioned enthusiasm and the perseverance of the restaurateurs, the municipal administrators and the entire population of Amatrice. A race against time which – as Stefano Boeri remarked – shows “that even in an emergency, it is possible to deliver things of quality that are destined to last”.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

The reconstruction will probably take a long time but the example of the Polo del Gusto shows that Amatrice will rise again – possibly in new forms, driven by the passion of its inhabitants and by the solidarity of millions of Italians. It is a set of structures built with wooden prefabricated modular elements: fir-tree for the main structure and larch for buffering modules.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

The refectory occupies about 490 mq, with 150 seats, three glass walls and a large sloping roof overlooking the mountains. The 8 restaurants of different area, from 85 to 500 sqm, according to the preexisting dimension of the activities before the earthquake, are located around the central square.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

Each building has a lightweight structure in steel and wood as external covered spaces available for clients. Besides, the project includes the realization of the internal layouts, the kitchens and service spaces, conceived as modular, flexible and assemblable. The dining halls represent the peculiar element which has been customized by each owner.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

The central area of the square, with greenery, benches and lighting, hosts the urban installation Radura designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti. Radura, composed by a wooden circle of 350 cylindrical columns, is an “artificial forest” where one can find the contact with nature. Radura is also a sound experience thanks to soundtrack composed by Ferdinando Arnò.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli

Conceived and realized this way, the new square designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti is a point of work and entertainment for the entire community and the children, who can play, meet and take a break here. The new Food Area gives job to 100 citizens and it is attracting tourists from all over the world. It represents a restart for the community, to recover its identity and relaunch the local economy. Source by 54words and Stefano Boeri Architetti.

Photo © Paolo Rosselli
  • Location: Amatrice, Italy
  • Architect: Stefano Boeri Architetti
  • Structural Design: Ing. Mirko Degano, Ing. Loris Borean
  • Plant Engineering: Ing. Federico Fistarol, Ing. Andrea Sava, Ing. Giorgio Paron
  • Urban Design: Arch. Sandro Stefanini
  • Economic Evaluation: GAD SRL
  • Contractor: ATI Domusgaia Srl e Legnolandia Srl
  • Client: Municipality of Amatrice
  • Year: 2016-2017
  • Photographs: Paolo Rosselli, Courtesy of 54words

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