Welcome Difference by Domenico Raimondi

Welcome Difference
Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

For the fifth consecutive year the association “Andare oltre si può” (Going beyond it’s possibile) illuminate the Christmas of the city of Lucca with lights and colors, inviting the citizens, and the tourists who will visit the city, to a moment of reflection.

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

Inaugurated on November 24, Welcome Difference, a large crib completely covered with mirrors with a modern and essential design, has officially taken life by illuminating the central Piazza San Michele.

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

A modern version of the traditional nativity able, in the daylight hours, to blend in with the external environment, annihilating in the reflection of the historic Piazza San Michele. With the decline of the evening the feeling is reversed thanks to the large luminous shapes that shine on the square announcing the arrival of Christmas.

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

The structure with a contemporary, minimal and essential design communicates with the surrounding space capturing the history of the square and giving a message of hope. The installation that immediately aroused the curiosity of passers-by, offering them new and optic reflective perspectives for the many photographs published on social media.

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

Every visitor is invited to reflect on the Christmas party, amplifying the comparison in an extreme way with himself and the city. These are the words that visitors will find in the vicinity of the installation:

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

“Diversity and differences are not hidden but present themselves, they go side by side, they show themselves and they challenge us: welcome the Child is to savor the tenderness of the humble, infinite and universal love. Look at the Nativity to look at ourselves.

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

Look at the Nativity in order not to run away from those who walk side by side. Diversity and differences are not elements to be tolerated but assets to be protected. They are the wealth to be safeguarded to overcome prejudices and fears. Going beyond can be done.

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

Listening, dialogue, sharing, amplify the comparison in an extreme way in search of a responsibility that does not require reciprocity. We are all different, and there is nothing more beautiful. It is humanity, it is life.” Source by “Andare oltre si può.”

Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”
  • Location: Piazza San Michele, Lucca, Italy
  • Architect: thesignLab
  • Concept: Domenico Raimondi
  • Colaborator: Mariarosaria Amendola, Samuele Cosentino, Martina Carnicelli, CCN Lucca – Confcommercio Lucca e Massa Carrara
  • Manufactoris: Allestend SRL, S.I.L.V., Huevoprint, Artech
  • Sponsorships: Regione Toscana, Provincia di Lucca, Comune di Lucca, Comune di Capannori, Comune di Viareggio, Arcidiocesi di Lucca, Associazione Down Lucca Onlus, L’amore non conta i cromosomi onlus
  • Client: “Andare oltre si può”
  • Dates: 11.24.2017 / 01.08.2018
  • Photographs: Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”
Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”
Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”
Photo Courtesy of “Andare oltre si può”

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