Gymnastic Training Center of Guimarães by Pitagorasgroup

Gymnastic Training Center
Photo © José Campos

With a 3100m2 of covered area, the Gymnastic Training Center of Guimarães is located at the East limit of the city park and was conceived for practice and training of high performance gymnastics.

Photo © José Campos

The intent of applying the technologies that transform this kind of building into an energy-independent structure with low CO2 emission was the big challenge, but the objective was surpassed and the building is already a landmark in sustainability, energetic efficiency and innovation.

Photo © José Campos

The Training Center achieved high performance ratings by the LiderA system, with an A++ certification, recognition which is rare in sustainability, not only in Portugal but all around the world.

Photo © José Campos

The building sits between two pre-existing streets, both permit access to the building, the one at a higher level is the main street, and the other, on a lower level, limits the city park and is used for exclusive access to the Training Center.

Photo © José Campos

The Training Center is exclusive for the practice of high performance gymnastics and consists of a pavilion, a gym, locker rooms, administrative offices and public spaces that grant access to the stands.

Photo © José Campos

The choice of materials for the building reveals a pedagogic intent and shows environmental concern in the building design, serving the energetic efficiency and searching for a clear balance between technology and architecture.

Photo © José Campos

The facade, built from dark agglomerate cork, is a perfect example of that versatility, intending to represent a strong design trait for the project while keeping the association with the environmental sustainability.

Photo © José Campos

The volumetric composition of the building was defined by its core programmatic needs and by the will to create a building that is integrated in the local landscape.

Photo © José Campos

Therefore, the building searches for scale and references on the surroundings, using its volumetric presence to create another element for the park walking paths, like the entrance plaza.

Photo © José Campos

This not only connects the two levels of the building but also allows the contemplation of the park and the eastern hillside of the city. Source by Pitagorasgroup.

Photo © José Campos
  • Location: Guimarães, Portugal
  • Architect: Pitagorasgroup
  • Project Team: André Malheiro, Luís Guimarães, Isabel Rodrigues, Hélio Pinto, João Couto, Tiago Ranhada, Rui Silva
  • Foundations and Structures: Sopsec
  • Hydraulic Engineering: Sopsec
  • Acoustic: Sopsec
  • Security: Sopsec
  • Gas: Sopsec
  • Mechanical Engineering: Layout
  • Thermal Study: Layout
  • Electrical Engineering: Layout
  • Supervision: Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
  • Constructor: Costeira – Engenharia e Construção
  • Area: 3160m2
  • Year: 2017
  • Photographs: José Campos, Courtesy of Pitagorasgroup
Photo © José Campos
Photo © José Campos
Photo © José Campos
Photo © José Campos
Photo © José Campos
Photo © José Campos
Photo © José Campos
Photo © José Campos
Site Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Scheme Photovoltaic and Solar
Scheme Water
Scheme Thermo-active
Scheme Air Treatment

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