Izmir Karabaglar Uzundere Djemevi and Socio-Cultural Center by Yegena Acchitecture

Uzundere Djemevi and Socio-Cultural

In the course of searching an answer to the question of ”what kind of sanctuary for the alevism belief ”  , instead of researching origins of sanctuary structures for the alevism belief ,  we have found that progressing on one of the determining factors in the journey of this belief’s essence from past to present , is more suitable and untried.

Image © Yegena Acchitecture

Alevism which has a long established past in the anatolian territory , is a way belief that achieved to conserve it’s internal light in many difficulties by means of it’s humble and peaceful attitude. One of the main reasons of presence of it , is preservation. Therefore, the essence of the design has been associated to ”preservation”. The ”preservation” which has been established by spending great effort till today , has been illustrated by the hand that surrounds the candle representing the internal light.

Image © Yegena Acchitecture

It has been possible to depict the application of this illustration to architecture by simple composition of two walls.  The main prayer venue has been obtained by vertical rotational duplication of this idea.  In this way , 4 door idea in the belief has also been symbolized. This ”preservation” movement has been expanded to overall of the project and used in closed functions fully, and in open to view ones in a controlled way or barely.

Image © Yegena Acchitecture

The project has been composed of two main segments as religious venues and cultural venues , as can be easily and obviously seen in the cross-section. Religious venues that are considered as the existence reason of the structure by us , have been positioned at the point of easiest access ; and the religious related cultural parts have the secondary entrance distance which is not much.

Image © Yegena Acchitecture

The main religious venues which are positioned close to the main entrance in the closed space , have been established at the first flat platform that has close connection with the street side of the land, by utilizing the green texture and without disturbing integrity of it. The atrium which is formed in between the religious venues and the socio-cultural spaces that are positioned at the low level of the land is located under the existing trees.

Image © Yegena Acchitecture

In the alevism belief , the most superlative phase to which a candidate reaches , is the ”truth(The God) door”. The God has integrated himself with who has reached this phase. At this ”door” , there is ”the observation of the truth by truth”. The candidate who has reached the ”truth door” and integrated himself(herself) with the God , seas himself(herself) by ”seeing the truth by truth”. The God comes into existence  in his(her) body.

Image © Yegena Acchitecture

The universal symbol of ”the truth door” is the soil. According to belief , the soil is the signifier of the wellness , beautifulness , and harm in the underground ; and is also the symbol of the fertility , wealth ,farms , crops , and the birth. Therefore , copper which describes the soil best , has been chosen as the main material.  Also , copper is the referent to the long established existence of the alevism belief in Anatolia and it’s embeddedness. Source by Yegena Acchitecture.

Image © Yegena Acchitecture
  • Location: Izmir, Turkey
  • Architect: Yegena Acchitecture
  • Project Team: M. BarisYegena, OzgeOzkul
  • Client: Izmir Karabaglar Municipality
  • Status: 1st Prize
  • Total Construction Area: 5.765 m2
  • Images: Courtesy of Yegena Acchitecture
Level 01 Floor Plan
Level 02 Floor Plan
Level 03 Floor Plan

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