BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects proposal for New Concert Hall Nuremberg

New Concert Hall Nuremberg

The Nuremberg Concert Hall extends the historically rich heritage of the Meistersingerhalle and enriches the cultural city of Nuremberg with a unique experience in which music and space become one. Based on Nuremberg’s landmark, the duality of its the twin castles, two buildings side by side create a synergetic connection to a coherent unity. Connected in a symbolic ‘band’, a circulating podium made of natural stone links the ensemble. The solid base grounds the structure, which creates an inviting lightness through its vertical foyer as a central distributor together with a translucent, energy-optimized roof construction.

Image © BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects

Urban Integration and Landscape Design
As an extension of the urban park landscape of the Luitpoldhain, the Nuremberg Konzerthaus Is seamlessly integrated into the surrounding urban landscape, which runs through the open foyer and the elevated corridors around the building. The freestanding concert hall volume, together with the building of the Meistersingerhalle, defines an articulated forecourt and main entrance. The place is activated through all public and foyer functions along its perimeter– in a continuation to the Meistersingerhalle.

Image © BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects

Building Organisation
The organisation of the building follows a clear division of functions between the public front building and the rear building for artists and employees. The main entrance for visitors leads directly into the vertical atrium. All visitor- and concert-relevant functions are arranged along foyer, which is organized as a continuation of the existing foyer around the concert hall as a freestanding volume. The balconies around the hall bridge the foyer to catering points and breakout zones with direct views and connections to the exterior along the building façade. Centrally located at the staff entrance is a spacious artist lounge with direct connection to the stage and catering.

Image © BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects

Concert Hall
The concert hall – perceived from the outside as a freestanding object – is covered with wooden strips from inside and outside. The hall’s monolithic appearance is broken into balconies, information desks and break-out zones on a human scale. The 1600 seats are distributed over a terraced landscape of wooden balconies, creates a unique musical experience. Source by BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects.

Image © BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects
  • Location: Nuremberg, Germany
  • Architect: BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects
  • Architect in charge: Paul Clemens Bart, Marvin Bratke, Mattijs la Roi
  • Status: Competition Entry
  • Size: 17 000 m2
  • Year: 2018
  • Images: Courtesy of BART//BRATKE & Matthijs la Roi Architects

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