Funeral Ceremony Centre by HofmanDujardin

Image © HofmanDujardin

HofmanDujardin initiated the design of a contemporary Funeral Ceremony Centre to give the deceased a beautiful farewell celebrating their life.The resulting design for a new funeral centre consists of a sequence of three rooms which connect timeless values of our existence to our modern ways of life.

Image © HofmanDujardin

Three rooms
Contemporary funerals can be seen as a memorial of the life of the deceased. However, being less ceremonial than in the past, a clear sequence of moments characterises these meetings. The first moment is the gathering of friends and family, the actual ceremony of remembrance forms the second, followed by a third moment of social encounter. HofmanDujardin translates this in a series of three carefully shaped rooms around an epicentre: the place for the coffin.

Image © HofmanDujardin

Michiel Hofman: “The lack of places for worthy send offs results in unease feelings during crucial moments in our lives. Naturally following our design philosophy Shaping Intuition®, focusing on the intuitive values of human beings, we designed a Funeral Centre which tries to break this discomfort. The design combines timeless qualities with elements of our modern ways of life.”

Image © HofmanDujardin

Sharing memories
In the first room, the assembly of relatives, friends and known associates is enclosed by a memory wall. This multimedia screen, on which family and friends can share videos and photographs of moments with their loved one, forms a lively collage celebrating their life. The images form a background to the silence and might be translated in a downloadable video clip. The wall allows to create a sublime, shared moment of collectively reliving stories.

Image © HofmanDujardin

Saying goodbye
The space for the actual remembrance ceremony defines the shape of the three rooms. Its triangular plan creates intimacy in both small and bigger groups. The two curved walls and the ceiling bend inwards to define a passage as the centre for the coffin. Behind, an expansive empty space opens towards a panorama of the surroundings. The shape implies a flow back towards nature, closing the circle of life.

Image © HofmanDujardin

Celebrate life
After the ceremony, a third space offers the opportunity to enhance social relations. The timber clad walls and floor create a warm and comfortable atmosphere. The neutral round serving tables make the room suitable for formal and informal events. Source by HofmanDujardin.

Image © HofmanDujardin
  • Location: not declared
  • Architect: HofmanDujardin
  • Project Team: Barbara Dujardin, Michiel Hofman, Fabian van den Bosch, Theo Brouwer, Iker Hernández
  • Area: 1600 m2
  • Year: 2018
  • Renderings: VERO Visuals
  • Images: Courtesy of HofmanDujardin
Ground Floor Plan

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