Masterplan Villa Industria by Mecanoo

Villa Industria
Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

Recognisable identity
With its characteristic industrial buildings, the former site of the Regional Energy Supply Company in Hilversum has always had its own identity.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

The gasworks site was originally situated outside the city perimeter, but gradually became enclosed by residential developments. With the relocation of the gasworks, the opportunity arose to redevelop the site and give it a new name: Villa Industria.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

Mecanoo created a masterplan for 357 homes – partly affordable housing, partly owner-occupied, small-scale businesses and sporting facilities. Inspired by the industrial heritage of the site, the area has a recognisable identity once again.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

Green environment
The urban plan prioritises public space for pedestrians and cyclists. Recessed parking throughout the site frees up space for a green environment with water features and a centrally located park.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

An eye-catching ensemble of three cylindrical residential buildings refers to the old gasometers which once stood on the site. The existing swimming pool has been reclad in brick, steel and glass, so it fits the aesthetics of the new building.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

Robust steel columns support a new sports hall and fitness centre which has been built on top of the swimming pool. Modern homes with semi-circular roofs are situated on the site of a former warehouse with a similar shape.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

The buildings at the perimeter of Villa Industria have the same height as the surrounding residential area. The courtyards consist of private gardens with an intimate character.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

Coherence and diversity
The architecture of Villa Industria has a harmonious materialisation, a sculptural design language, and industrial detailing. Cool materials, such as steel and glass are combined with warm materials like red to red-brown bricks with subtle relief.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

The application of the same bricks for each building creates coherence, whilst variations in the brick sizes and masonry techniques, ornaments and special objects provide diversity.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

The details of each building refer to the particular history of the gasworks site and contribute to the industrial character of the new neighbourhood. Source by Mecanoo.

Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo
  • Location: Hilversum, The Netherlands
  • Architect: Mecanoo
  • Structural engineer: ABT b.v., Delft; Goudstikker de Vries, Almere, the Netherlands
  • Mechanical and electrical engineer: Viac Installatieadviseurs, Houten, the Netherlands
  • Building physics consultant: Nex2us, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands
  • Artist: Berend Strik, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Client: Heijmans, Amersfoort; De Alliantie, Hilversum, the Netherlands
  • Awards: 1st prize competition
  • Programme: Masterplan for 357 dwellings, 400 m2 small-scale businesses, and 4,000 m2 sports facilities
  • Size: 74,000 m2
  • Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Mecanoo
Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo
Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo
Photo Courtesy of Mecanoo

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