Bus Stop by Valarch

Bus Stop

“St. Hostyn is one of the most famous places in the Czech Republic and thousands of visitors come to see it every year. I selected the seven main points which are connected with the most frequented paths” says Lenka Jaluvkova. One of these seven points is a bus stop named “At the cemetery.”

Photo © Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice

After educating the public, a little bit of pressure and infinite persuasion, the city council of Bystrice pod Hostynem said they would like to realize this first stop.

Photo © Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice

We designed a simple object, “The Bus stop” which serves as the first step to the Hostyn Hills and to St. Hostyn itself.

Photo © Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice

Only in retrospect we realized that this small object will be frequented by hundreds, even thousands of visitors every year, which is more influence than counting all of our projects in combined.

Photo © Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice

A small object with a great overlap. Structurally it is a wooden frame structure which is entirely made from Czech larch treated with oil, and a green roof. The wooden structure sits on a raw concrete base.

Photo © Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice

The information system that consists of three glass panes includes a map of the Hostyn Hills, a city map of Bystrice pod Hostynem and a bus timetable. The whole area is highlighted by granite cubes recycled from an old road in town.

Photo © Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice

A simple, clear and lucid bus stop where you can wait for the bus, take a break, check the map or meet for a date. Simply a great multifunctional space by the cemetery in this small town. Source by Valarch.

Photo © Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice
  • Location: Bystrice pod Hostynem, Czech Republic
  • Architect: Valarch
  • Architect in Charge: Tomas Jaluvka, Lenka Jaluvkova
  • Collaboraters: Tomáš Kašík, Roman Musil
  • Client: The Town of Bystrice pod Hostynem
  • Built-up area: 34 m2
  • Usable space: 45 m3
  • Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice, Courtesy of Valarch

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