Fuchun Resort by The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art

Fuchun Resort

Being located in an alluvial fan with a catchment lake in its central, the site is environmental sensitive in topography, hydrology, soil and vegetation. As the most open area along Fuchun River, it is expected to become a poetry-like living space as what has been inspired from the scene in a famous Yuan Dynasty painting “Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains”.

Moreover, it is anticipated to act as an engine in developing local tourism, playing positive role in countryside revitalization. The planning of vehicle route follows the original topography to minimize construction intervention. Stilts are built on steep mountains and fabricated light steel is constructed on independent house foundation, which reduces earthwork quantity production while benefits of protecting local geological setting and plant resources.

Trees are evaluated in priority in the building plan. Soils and stones produced in construction are reused for building retaining walls or to be pavement materials, which not only recycles construction materials but also largely reduces transportation cost and cuts material budget, accomplishing low impact construction on site.

Rain chains are introduced for decoration while guiding rainwater onto the ground for infiltration. Rainwater is drawn into tunnels and led to the lake and streams as it does naturally. Artificial micro-ecological filters are utilized for wastewater treatment. Treated water is gathered into a pool before being pumped for recycling in landscaping and car washing, which therefore eliminates sewage discharge to Fuchun River.

Diversity in architecture structure and style avoids big abrupt or boring appearances and camp-style arrangement in guest rooms. Moreover, it respects local building culture and keeps connectivity in between different single building and building cluster. Wherever the visitors are, rooms, trees and flowers, river and streams, sunset glow, moon, Wupeng Boat, and shining lake surface may self-organize great pictures for the people involved in. Source by The Design Institute Of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art.

  • Location: Alluvial Fan, China
  • Architect: The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art 
  • Lead Architects: Xiawei Chen, Lijun Ke
  • Architects: Tuo Jin, Kai Wang, Guangjie Yu, Jianzheng Zhou
  • Consultant of Wood Structure: Suyi Guo, China Modern Wood Structure Construction Technology Industry Alliance
  • Interior Designers: PANTIANSHOU Landscape, Design&Planning, CO.,LTD.
  • Client: New Century Tourism Group
  • Site Area: 13 ha
  • Housing Area: 20,000 m2
  • Year: 2018
  • Photopraphs: Aoguan Performance of Architecture, Courtesy of CUI Brand

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