Lendager Group wins UN17 village competition

UN17 village
Image © Lendager Group

With the project UN17 village, Lendager Group this week beat the international firm BIG and Henning Larsen in a competition on Copenhagen home ground. The UN17 Village is the first building project in the world that translates all 17 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into tangible action.

Image © Lendager Group

The project is led by the pioneering sustainability architects from Copenhagen based Lendager Group. The UN17 Village showcases how we can decouple growth from emissions by looking at waste as a resource, and by making sustainability and growth support each other without compromising on quality, aesthetics or price.

Image © Lendager Group

The UN17 Village will be built of upcycled waste – such as concrete, wood and window glass. Lendager Group has developed upcycled materials designed for use on an industrial scale. The products are harvested and processed locally, creating local jobs and enabling the construction of tomorrow’s cities from today’s waste globally.

Image © Lendager Group

Build from waste
The UN17 Village is designed to be sustainable from multiple perspectives: environmental, social, operational, indoor-climate-related and bio-diverse. As one of the world’s most alternative and sustainable building projects, the waste materials used are upcycled to create nontoxic and certified materials.

Image © Lendager Group

The houses are designed with a spacious feel, all their elements helping to promote sustainable living and to create a good indoor climate. With rooftop solar panels, the houses are potentially self-sufficient. The biodiversity of the neighbourhood increases with the roof gardens: this is a housing project with a design that incentivises sustainable living.

Site Plan

“With the UN17 Village, we wanted to create not only an iconic and sustainable building from recycled materials, but also the opportunity for a sustainable lifestyle. So far, the focus in sustainable buildings has mainly been on their operational carbon emissions,” explains Anders Lendager, CEO and founder of Lendager Group.

Facade Buildings

He continues: “We are looking at the whole life cycle of the building – including materials use, health, and quality of life. We have developed a scalable process that brings all 169 milestones from the SDGs into focus. By translating these into concrete solutions, we have created a tool that makes it possible for everyone in the industry to implement the SDGs and to evaluate the result.” Source by Lendager Group.

  • Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Architect: Lendager Group
  • Status: winner international competition
  • Year: 2018
  • Visualisation: TMRW
  • Images: Courtesy of Lendager Group

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