Park Urban Theater by anagram A-U

Park Urban Theater

Anagram A-U receives an honorable mention for the competition entry of the first cultural park of Ioannina City in Greece. The proposal suggests an open and accessible public space that creates a new identity and captures the imaginary of the city.

Acting as an ‘urban theater’ connecting the city with the lake of Ioannina, the new public space presents a unified and flexible space for both everyday leisure time and large events to take place. The open space of the park is consisted by two different zones, the one of the park and the other of the open public space for small or large-scape events. The main elements of the proposal are the urban theater, the cultural node and the forest:

  • The Urban Theater works as a continuous extensive programmatic stripe that provides open space for all kind of events. The borders of it are defined by a cultural node of old and new cultural buildings and an amphitheater. The main reference of the public space consist the form of stadium in the ancient world that it was an elongated stripe of activities that the citizens were able to sit and follow the different acts.
  • The cultural node of the renovated ex military prisons and two new buildings provides a flexible space for different uses such as workshops, exhibitions and seminars. The design decision of coexistence of old and contemporary architecture is aiming on the creation of a discourse and dialogue for architecture and how could deal with the past without being a negative parameter.
  • The Forest aims to provided a leisure space for activities that could activate the area all the year long providing an escape of the urban life of the citizens. The overall design refers back to the historic roots of the ancient theater and stadium that they were inseparable elements of the historical city. Source by anagram A-U.
  • Location: Ioannina City, Greece
  • Architect: anagram A-U
  • Project Team: Marina Kounavi, Pavlos Ventouris, Antonio Sanna
  • Award: Honorable Mention for international design competition
  • Year: 2019
  • Images: Courtesy of anagram A-U

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