Call For Ideas: Moonception 2019 Architecture Competition

Moonception 2019

The Moon is an extremely important companion of the Earth, as it makes our planet more livable by moderating its wobble on the axis, relatively stabilizing our climate and building a tidal pattern that has been a navigational guide for humans for thousands of years. Today, the moon is the only celestial entity beyond the Earth that has been visited by humans. With new waves of technology reaching new heights, now is an appropriate time to envision the presence of humans in space on a permanent and sustainable basis. Space exploration, with human habitation at is centre, will now become one of the next great steps in innovation.

The world is gearing up to revisit lunar landscapes. Some of the leading space exploration organizations such as NASA, Virgin Atlantic, SpaceX, ISRO, CNSA, and Blue Origin are revealing their ambitious plans to take humans to the Moon and Mars, with an aim to establish settlements there. Likewise, humans reaching on the lunar surface will also increase space tourism in the near future, with that segment taking center stage. July 2019 will mark the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo landing on the Moon and Neil Armstrong’s historic first steps on its surface; this would also be a momentous occasion to start the movement of introducing ARCHITECTURE ON MOON.

The Challenge
We invite visionaries from all professions, Architects, Designers, Engineers, and Space Enthusiasts to envision and design this near yet unseen future. The participants are to design a Lunar Experience Centre + Research Centre for the first humans – 10 tourists and 5 researchers – to enhance their stay on the Moon. The spaces for the program include Living Areas l Sleeping Areas l Cooking Area l Research Areas l Interaction Spaces l Areas for Sanitation and Bath l Recreation Areas l Controlled Areas for Farming l AV Room l Exhibition Area l Stores for resources I Observatory I Medical center l Control and Surveillance Area l Rover Parking and Maintenance Area l Any other spaces that the participant wishes to specify with respect to both categories of users. Source and images Courtesy of Volume Zero.


  • Prizes of total USD 4000, broken down as follows:
  • 1st Prize: USD 2000 + Certificate + Trophies + Publication
  • 2nd Prize: USD 1200 + Certificate+ Trophies + Publication
  • 3rd Prize: USD 800 + Certificate+ Trophies + Publication
  • 10 Honourable mentions: Certificates
  • Winners and Honourable Mentions will be published on Volume Zero website and several international architecture and design magazines.
  • To show our appreciation, all the participants would receive participation certificate.


  • Early Bird Registration: 13th February 2019 to 18th April 2019
  • Standard Registration: From 19th April 2019 to 20th May 2019
  • Last Day for Queries: 5th May 2019
  • Closing Date for Submission: 30th May 2019
  • Announcement of Winners: 20th July 2019


  • Early Bird Registration: Participants from India – INR 2000 (per team)
  • Participants from Other Countries – USD 75 (per team) Standard
  • Registration: Participants from India – INR 2800 (per team)
  • Participants from Other Countries – USD 95 (per team)

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