

Archistart promotes IAHsummer19 an international architecture and design festival incorporated within a holiday that generates interactive experiences between students and young graduates under 35. Students and young professionals from all over the world can live together for 7 days, from 1st to 8th August 2019, sharing ideas and gaining relevant experience in southern Italy.

IAHsummer2019 is a creativity and urban regeneration festival.Young architects and designers will live an experience of a network, interaction with the territory, and fun. During the festival young emerging professionals and experts will give lectures on architectural design, selfconstruction and communication.

IAHsummer2019 is divided into 3 workshops:

The participants (for a maximum of 48, split into 8 groups) will be tutored by 4 mentors, each one of them as a representative of the under 35 architectural firms. The 4 partners have been selected among the Italian architecture firms that have stood up for their recent activity and for the previous experiences.

The 8 groups will compete on one single theme and will have to produce an A1 sheet and a scale model. On the last day, a jury composed of an internationally renowned architectural firm, a member of the Archistart team and a representative of the municipal administration will meet. A member of the winning group will have the chance to be selected for an internship at one of the partner firms. Source and images Courtesy of Archistart.

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